Soul Food~Understanding Karma & the Law of Attraction

December 14, 2015by Eva Starr0

Life-LessonsToday is a special day for me; it’s my EIGHT year anniversary of when I drove across the California state line back in 2008 on December 15th. I was excited about my move to San Diego, however little did I know:

  • I moved here in the worst time ever, the big recession was hitting hard
  • people here didn’t know who Eva Starr was (my little cable television show didn’t broadcast in Cali)
  • I wouldn’t find work for ten months, (they don’t hire 52 year old barmaids here, no matter how much experience you have, you need a set of Double D’s and be around 23-27 years old)
  • in between finding work I would scrub toilets and clean floors with a toothbrush on my hands & knees
  • I would fall down two flights of stairs on concrete, break my nose and bust up my teeth
  • I would take a job working the graveyard shift and end up getting Bells Palsy
  • I would move SEVEN times in three years (and I hate moving)
  • I’m terrified of mountain driving

Now, I’m not a quitter, I persevered and now it’s been EIGHT years!

Don’t get me wrong there’s been many blessings:

  • YOU, my students & my friends kept me going
  • I learned how to drive 7,000+ feet up without going off a mountain cliff
  • I used my Louise Hay principles & healed my self from my broken nose & busted teeth (without seeing the recommended orthodontist & orthopedic doctors) in TWO days
  • I healed myself from Bells Palsy in 17 days
  • I graduated from culinary school at the age of 55 with honors
  • I cooked for the Padres for one season
  • I’ve seen some spectacular places and walked the Pacific Ocean beach more times than I can count
  • I finally published my book

I share this with you because YOU too can follow your dreams, bigger dreams than mine, bigger dreams than what you “think” you can do! Move yourself out of the way, write your order to the Universe at Large, and let the HOW be up to God, and just watch what she/he can do!

I’ve learned something I want to share with you. You need an OUTLET for your money or gifts to flow to. Listen closely here; you’ve got to have a plan for your money, gifts, talents whatever it is. It’s the WHY you do what you do, and it’s the WHY you want to manifest the abundance. TRUST ME on this one! When you have an EXACT, DETAILED plan for your money, it will come, it’s the LAW! There is no way it can not. Do yourself a favor and start practicing this NOW and every day, and you’ll be amazed at the results. Do it with FEELING! (It’s similar to how I taught you to Treasure Map, (think it, see it, smell it, breathe it, feel it, taste it ,touch it, be it) do you get the picture?

Now in celebration of my EIGHT years here in Cali, I’m offering for the first EIGHT people my new KARMA INSIGHTS past-life charts for ONLY $20. In fact, buy two and get the third one FREE. (that’s an incredible 3 past life karma charts for $40). They make great Holiday gifts for yourself and loved ones. Click on the angel wings above with the total amount (3 charts for $40) or one chart for $20 and in the comment box tell me what it’s for. Then email me all the birth information & you’ll have your charts before Christmas! 🙂

The Karma Insight charts will be about 18+ pages based on your own personal natal chart. It will look at past-life planetary energies with a plethora of insight and information on how to effectively utilize those energies in your life now.

Thank you so much for your support,

Eva Starr & Ziggy Starrdust,

Santa Ziggy


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