How do I find my Divine Purpose? This age old question has been asked time and time again. Although, I don’t have one answer to this 64 million dollar question, I may shine some insight to some things you may have not thought about. Then again you may have and forgot, so this is a friendly reminder.

This has been an particularly stressful week for me. One thing I know for sure is

MY life purpose is NOT to be a doctor! WARNING!!! DO NOT try this at home. I’m a chef and work on my feet all day long, on concrete no less, and have a tendency to get repeated ingrown toe-nails on my big toe. After several unsuccessful attempts to remove it myself, much extreme pain, and infection I decided to go to urgent care on Monday, then I had a phenol matrixectomy surgery on Tuesday. Yes, it IS as painful as it looks.
The reason I share this with you, is there are things in life we are GIFTED with and things in life we are NOT! Please DO NOT try those things for which you are not gifted or licensed to do. Enough said.
Finding Your Life Purpose:
The two greatest days of your life:
- The day you were born
- The day you find out what your life purpose is (this can happen more than once, I remember after teaching my first Louise Hay class, I went home and said “THIS IS IT! THIS IS WHAT GOD PUT ME ON THE PLANET FOR!”
The problem in finding your life purpose comes from trying to figure it out in your head! We can’t THINK our way in—we need to take steps toward what we want and REMOVING those things we don’t want. (I remember reading a law of attraction book by Michael Losier and he suggested making a list of all the things you DON’T want in a relationship and start from there. The premise being it is much easier to know what you DO want after looking at your list of DON’T wants!
#1. ACT – Quit thinking! START taking steps toward your goals and start trying NEW things. Move the Hell out of your comfort zone & get out of YOUR OWN WAY! Clarity comes through the process of exploring.

#2. Move out of your head and into your heart! Ask yourself what you love–when you are connected to your Happy Self; inspiration flows from your Heart & Soul. What brings you the most JOY?
#3. Break up with that ONE & ONLY…that’s right there isn’t only ONE thing you may be put here for, (sigh of relief). You may have several gifts, these are your passions. When you lead a passionate life you are living your life on purpose. Our purpose in life is to LIVE LIFE FULLY, no matter WHAT is it we are doing. Jump in, get excited, get the Hell out of that comfort zone. You’ve heard the expression “live fully in each moment.”
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive
#4. What unpleasant experiences are you able to handle? In other words, what’s the thing that you may have to do to become successful that you are willing to do. (i.e. stay up half the night studying, put off having kids for a couple years, work two jobs) in other words, think of the sacrifices you are WILLING to make, this will help you decide when it comes time for the deal breaker.
#5. What did you do when you were eight years old that you absolutely loved doing. Are you doing that today, if not GO DO IT!
#6. What makes you forget to eat and take a pee? Don’t look at the activities, look at the cognitive principle behind it, that’ll give you a clue, because they can easily be applied somewhere else.
#7. What scares the living HELL out of you? Chances are you should be doing it!
#8. How could you make the world a better place? I read this in a book somewhere, (I’m thinking either Doreen Virtue or Wayne Dyer). Anyway, on my bathroom mirror I have in red lipstick, HOW CAN “I” EVA STARR, MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE? (and I ask that question each morning)
#9. If you had to leave the house all day, where would you go and what would you do? Passion is the RESULT of action–not the cause of it. What would you do with all that time? Write out a few answers and go out and actually do them.
#10. How do you want to be remembered? What are your values? What would your “eulogy” say? (this exercise I’ve actually done from 28-Days of Consciousness ~ Debbie Ford). It’s an interesting concept, try it.
Hope this helps answer some of your life purpose questions. I am starting up my life coaching business again here in California, if this is something you may be interested in, shoot me an email at [email protected] for details.
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