New Years Resolutions: Starr’s 10 Tips to Keeping Them
First off, forget that list you see to the left. What insanity!!! That’s the number one mistake people make is making too many resolutions, besides being too unrealistic, and not having a plan, along with a few others which I will guide you through.
- DESIRE! DESIRE! DESIRE! Am I making myself clear here? You MUST, I repeat MUST have the desire to really want your so called goal with everything in your heart. If you’re doing something because you think you “should” or it’s what somebody else wants you to do, then let’s face it, chances that you’re going to put your all into it are slim to none. Believe it & you will achieve it!
- Let’s get REAL here. By REAL I mean REALISTIC! Let’s face it, if you tell yourself you’re going to get down to a size 2 & you weren’t even a size 2 in kindergarten, are you serious? Make your goals/resolutions doable. By doable, I mean if you drive to the corner store a block away instead of walking, don’t make a goal of climbing Mt. Everest. I think you get the picture, the more realistic your goal, the easier it will be to accomplish. Period! One more thing I want to add to #2 is only give yourself 1 to 3 goals. You can always add more down the road, your chances of success are much greater if you keep it FEW & SIMPLE!
- Be absolutely crystal clear! I can not stress this one enough to you! Jesus didn’t say make me guess. Be as specific as you can, quantify, qualify! If you want to save money, how much per year, how much per month, how much per pay check? If you want a new home, every single detail you can possibly think of, the neighborhood, the garage, the schools, the shopping center, the parks, the gutters, the basement (for my east coast friends), the size of the kitchen. I know a home is a big goal, but I’m trying to paint a picture for you here, be crystal clear with the BIG & the SMALL goals.
- Now that your crystal clear, WRITE IT DOWN & VISUALIZE! Don’t just have it in your mind, it’s a PROVEN fact that written down goals in pen (not pencil) are more achievable then the ones we have in our minds. Visualize about it, see it, feel it, smell it, taste it, hear it, do a collage about it. Is it becoming more real to you now?
- Have a plan & break it down into small chucks. If it’s a fitness goal, schedule it into your daily planner, break it down into doable segments. If you want to lost 10 pounds, just start by 1 pound per month, or eliminating fast foods, start slow & small, your chances of success & it lasting will be better. Whatever the goal is write out a plan, just as if you were taking it to the bank & asking for a $100,000 business loan, they want to see a plan! Get one!
- Get support! Be careful who you tell though, make sure these are people who really want to see you achieve something. The latest craze is getting your social media to make you accountable, (this may not be for everyone). My oldest daughter Neysa, just quit smoking & she went on Facebook & told the entire world to make herself accountable, and her FB friends were cheering her on & supporting her. Weigh it out & if it works for you go for it. Also, there are apps for just about everything that will help you keep track & make you accountable on your own. I have a Fitbit so I can keep track of how many miles I walk a day, it helps me because I try to make sure I’m to my goal if I “know” how far I have to go to reach it. I’m averaging about 125 to 150 miles per month.
- Make it FUN! No one wants to do something they don’t like. If you make it FUN you more than likely will stick to it. If you don’t like to exercise but like to walk & talk. Get your friends to go walking with you, schedule it weekly. Or get a gym buddy, or a biking partner. If it’s a money goal, make that FUN too, play a game with yourself about it, get creative, I KNOW you can do this!
- Focus on the outcome, focus on the GOOD feelings that will come from reaching this goal. See the light at the end of the tunnel. Whatever it is, focus on the end result, see yourself in that new bikini every-time you want to grab for another doughnut, get your eyes on the PRIZE!
- Reward yourself. Whatever your goal is, decide ahead of time for each little success, (that you have determined already n your PLAN remember) reward yourself. Of course, if it’s a fitness goal, don’t buy yourself a chocolate cake after you’ve lost a pound or two, maybe new work-out clothes. If you’re cutting down on drinking don’t reward yourself with a bottle of wine, (spend it on something you can look at with the money you’ve saved on booze).
- Last but not least, if you fall off the track jump back on the train. Just because you ate one cookie, doesn’t mean you can eat the whole bag. However, if you DID eat the whole bag, don’t throw in the towel, quit beating up on yourself, just start over again. We all make errors in judgement, just get back on that horse.
One last shout out for those of you who haven’t jumped at the chance to get your Numerology for the year, just click on the Angels Wings above, donate, send me your birth-date & I’ll get them right out to you.
I’ve enjoyed writing Soul Food for you this past year, and if I have helped, inspired, or empowered you, or even made you laugh throughout the year, feel free to click on the Angels Wings above & donate so I may continue working with Spirit to serve you.
Have a safe & blessed New Year.
Love & Gratitude,