Soul Food~Supermoon/What This Means For You

November 13, 2016by Eva Starr0

supermoon-over-the-skylineThe full moon this month will arrive Monday morning at 8:52am EST. However, if you want to catch it in all it’s glory, do so this evening at 5pm (EST) when it will rise. After tomorrow morning the moon will start to wane.

The full moon will be at 22 degrees/38 minutes of Taurus opposing the Scorpio Sun. What we have here is the “I have” energy of Taurus and the “I desire” energy of Scorpio. Taurus being ruled by the planet Venus representing our second/seventh houses of love & money opposing Pluto holding dominion over Scorpio and the eight house of transformation (death/rebirth) sexuality and other people’s money.

With the opposing energies of Taurus wanting to hold on and the releasing energy of Scorpio wanting to purge everything in sight, our job is to ride the middle and find the balance between the two. It’s a good time to look at our finances and our love lives and LET GO of what no longer serves who we are and who we are becoming (sound familiar)?

This includes poor money habits, toxic relationships (that suck the life out of you), and anything andphoenix everything that just isn’t working in your life. Look at it like a make-over (Venus) and the Phoenix rising from the ashes reborn (Pluto).

Go to a place outside where there’s lots of earth (Taurus) and where you can safely burn your release list (Scorpio). Go into a meditation, ask for guidance from the Angels Hagiel (Taurus/Venus) and Azrael (Scorpio/Pluto). Have your notepad ready, and ponder releasing the following:

  • negative thought patterns that take your peace away
  • jealousy/envy
  • poor money habits
  • issues dealing with your sexuality
  • material things that may be broken, (repair it or let it go)
  • relationships that don’t honor you
  • money that you’re clenching with fists closed that needs to be sent into the Universe
  • romances that have been long over
  • anything that doesn’t serve your higher purpose

That should keep you busy for a few minutes. Once you’ve completed your list, read it out loud and say “I now release…(and read each item), then shout BE GONE! Burn your list, and watch it go up in smoke and contemplate the new you, and the new positive thought patterns and habits that are coming into your life.

For those of you who understand your charts, look for planets within a 5 degree orb either way of 22 degrees of Taurus/Scorpio and Leo/Aquarius to see which house is being activated. Enjoy the Supermoon (I’ll be on the point in Avon Lake by my old home, watching the moon-rise over the skyline of Cleveland at 5pm).

Thank you for your continued love & support,

Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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