Awhile back I used to do a column called “Starr Shines Spotlight” and each issue I would highlight someone’s business. Today I am doing that exact same thing, but this time three people from Coast-to-Coast; Cali, Nashville, & Cleveland, OH.
First to bat is a good friend I met when I first moved here. His business is chauffeuring antique cars. These cars are mint, vintage, and beautiful and come complete with the chauffeur dressed in the style of the era. If you’d like to plan a wedding, anniversary, wine tasting (especially in Cali), or any other event go see Lance at you’ll be glad you did. Tell him Eva sent you 🙂
Next up in the country music capital of the world Nashville, is my loyal friend Dr. Brian Hooper. I met Brian through another friend, also when I first moved here. He has remained a true friend through the years and now resides in Nashville, TN. Need to experience relief from emotional pain and inner conflict, gain personal insight, and achieve greater balance between your true values and the life you live? Then I’d highly suggest you give Dr. Hooper a call. While you’re at it schedule a trip to Nashville, (I’ve been there, it’s a great town). Visit him at
Last up to bat, we’ve reached Avon Lake, OH and my dear friend Marilyn. Her love of blues music and helping people led her to start a non-profit called Music on a Mission. If you like music, a good time and are interested donating to a worthy cause visit the website and take a trip out to Barnegie Hall in Avon Lake where you’ll find such talent as Stacy Mitchhart, Mary Bridget Davies and others, you won’t regret it.
If you’d like to be highlighted on the next Starr’s Spotlight, shoot me an email.
Today I’m running a post Lunar Eclipse Special on the yearly transits, 50% off to the first ten people who order them. A yearly transit is a month-to-month (which you’ll receive monthly to your email) planetary happenings personalized by your chart, day-to-day analysis of the areas of your life being activated by the planets. See below for a synopsis of what the information provides:
- which days are good for career, asking for raises etc.
- when Venus hits your chart, good days for being out & about to meet that special someone
- days when it’s better to keep a low profile because Mars (conflict) is aspected in a harsh way
- favorable days to play the lotto (Jupiter)
- days to hit the books or do some traveling (Mercury
- you’ll be able to plan certain events using your transits as a guide
- $25 is a STEAL for 365 days of personal transits
- the FIRST TEN receive this special price, after that it’s $50 (which is still a deal at $4.16 per month)
To ensure your place in line, click on the Angel Wings above and donate $25 with a note that says “transits.”
Thank you for your continued support, and generosity,