Ever have one of those days, where you wake up with a good attitude, already to face the day; then BAM you run smack dab into that windshield, SPLAT! At least for the bug, that’s the end of it, ready to transition into bug after life.
For you, me, the rest of us it’s a different story. We’ve just gotta bounce back, keep our dignity in tact and be the windshield next time. I know it’s easier said then done, trust me do I know this one. I feel like God put me here on this lovely school room called Planet Earth, so I could ride the tumultuous tides, and forge forward through the storms of betrayal, while slaying evil sea monsters along the way. Someone said to me the other day, I’m surprised you have any tear ducts left, (so am I).
There’s nothing left to do, except KNOW deep down that I have the faith of a mustard seed. The minister asked me Sunday, “how’s it going, have you found a home here?” (referring to the neighborhood of Encinitas where my church is located). My answer “the Divine has it all orchestrated and in place, the Universe just hasn’t given me the address yet.” “Good answer” responded the minister.
You see there ARE a few things I’ve learned through my trials and tribulations, and one of the most colossal pearls wisdom is this: I wouldn’t be able to teach you and share by example everything I’ve learned without my first-hand practice; Lucky Me!
Whatever you thought you were doing this Sunday, just got changed. Join me for an enlightening, awakening of Spirit, and come play with the big boys and girls. You can keep putting it off, but every-time you open that closet, that big ol’ scary skeleton is going to come popping out. Isn’t about time you shine the light on the darkness and learn how to sail your own seas?
See you Sunday at Seaside Spiritual Center 1613 Lake Dr. Encinitas 1:00-4:00pm
See flyer below for more info:
Is your life love sizzling? Are your finances sky-rocketing? Is your self-esteem off the charts? Have you forgiven everyone on the planet including yourself? If you answered a resounding YES to all of these, take a bow. If not, take three hours out of your day, and let’s explore the works of Louise Hay. (Primer for upcoming fall course)
Eva Starr, formerly from Cleveland, OH has brought her passion for metaphysics to California. Starr writes for San Diego Woman Magazine, Discover North County, and recently published her first book, Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself. Her unique style, wit and candor inspire and motivate the search for personal fulfillment. Her passion and warmth will touch your soul.

WHEN: Sunday, August 21st 1-4pm
WHERE: 1613 Lake Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024