Soul Food~November Starr Scopes/Crystal Workshop

October 31, 2017by Eva Starr0


Crystals have been used by ancient cultures dating back thousands of years. Learn how to work with crystal energy, understand the different healing properties of gemstones, and how crystals aid in healing your pets. Learn techniques for dreaming and manifesting with crystals, along with cleansing your crystals. Crystals and gemstones displayed. (Harding Middle School, Lakewood: November 4th Saturday 1pm-3pm)

Click here to register Crystal Workshop



Starr Scopes

Full Moon November 5th Taurus 1:23am EDT

New Moon November 18th Scorpio 6:42am EST


ARIES: You’ve got the ace in the hole this month Ram, fresh starts everywhere, but that’s your nature, isn’t it? Falling in love or rekindling those hot Ram fires, looking for a new mountain for that Ram to roam? Spend time this month enhancing that intuition and revving up your spiritual growth…who knows what doors will open?

TAURUS: It’s best the Bull comes out of that Bull Pen this month, because the Fairy Godmother just landed on your doorstep. You’re feeling like Wendy in Peter Pan, and suddenly you can fly. Your dreams and wishes come true, you love life and life loves you…keep a gratitude journal to keep the good vibes growing, all your concerns fade away with the fairy dust.

GEMINI: The Twins have their hands full this month, good thing there’s two of you to deal with it. You may be missing the silver lining in the storm, focus on the positive, trust me it’s there. Everything always works out in the end, if it hasn’t worked out it’s not the end. Spend as much time thinking of everything you have to be grateful for, and how life HAS worked out!

CANCER: Maybe you and the Ram should schedule a Meet & Greet this month…the heavens and the stars are stirring up some new things headed your way. Make sure you get serious about your spiritual growth and don’t make excuses for why you don’t have the time…get connected with your psychic side, it’s just waiting to spill its guts on what’s in store for you Crab!

LEO: It’s time to find a new Jungle Lion, you’ve outgrown this one. Spiritual transformation is calling you, it’s the end of an era, time to purge and let go. Don’t burn those bridges, it’s just time to move on and cross new ones. It’s not easy for the King of the Jungle to release the crown, however, ask Archangel Azrael to show you the path to bigger and better kingdoms.

VIRGO: It’s time to say goodbye to an old project or friend, take time to grieve, release and let go. It’s hard for a Virgo not to be planting, gardening, growing…tis the season to rest, recuperate, think about your next great pie in the sky idea. You need time between projects, enjoy your time alone, you don’t always need to be a “Do Bee.”

LIBRA: Alleluia, you don’t have to make a decision…your hard work has paid off. Mars in your sign, brings lots of energy to put into beautifying that home of yours. Does redecorating make your heart sing? Spend time this month enjoying the fruits of your labors, fix up that spiritual sanctuary of yours and spend quiet time alone reflecting on nothing at all, breathe.

SCORPIO: Big news for the Scorpion this month. Jupiter is in your sign for the next year, Venus & the Sun arrive this month. You’ve waited a long time, now go ahead & enjoy it! Enjoy life’s blessings, celebrate, success is your mantra. Oh yea, there’s some digging & purging to be done, you’ve got all year for that. Go spruce up that cave; so, it’s ready when you are.

SAGITTARIUS: Mercury’s in your sign, think BIG! It’s a time for the Centaur to have more fun, and there’ll be plenty to celebrate. Birth announcements, graduations, promotions, and reunions will be the flavor of the month. Pace yourself, Jupiter your ruling planet can lead to excess, the word moderation isn’t in Jupiter’s vocabulary. Easy does it!

CAPRICORN: Well, well, well Goat, a job well done. True to the Goat’s nature you’ve trod along, persevered and alas Glory at the end of the Road. You’re moving closer towards enlightenment, and justly so, you know the true meaning of gratitude! The more you are grateful, the more the Universe bestows upon you to be grateful for. Share your message with the World!

AQUARIUS: You’ve got a lot of irons in the fire, focus, focus, focus. Take time to meditate, communicate with vision. You are a leader this month, seek advice from another creative individual. Things are happening behind the scenes. Stay in the light, and release any fears you might have that keep you in the dark. You of all people, will find the answer out of the box.

PISCES: That pond of yours needs some clearing up. You may be making it all up. Take some time in deep reflection to clear the mind, and let that wash over your Soul. Let go of your fears, they can’t hurt you. Your intuition is at an all-time high, get thee in the silence. Pretty soon that pond of yours, & the illusions in your head will clear up, the fog will lift.

 If you’ve been inspired, empowered, or helped in any way, (or laughed) feel free to drop a coin in the Angel Wings above, 

As always, thank you for your love & support,

Eva Starr

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