The New Moon is around the corner April 7th, (Thursday) 7:24am EDT/3:24amPDT at 18* Aries. The Aries moon joins (conjunct) the Sun, and Uranus, squaring Pluto & trining Saturn. What does this mean to you? Change, Change, Change is a coming…let the late Etta James tell you.
The worst of Uranus is behind us now, the planetary Uranian energies are waning, Saturn trines Pluto bringing more structure to our changes, the chaos is behind us, although Uranus is still square Pluto so look for underlying power struggles. This will affect the Aries, Libras, Cancers & Capricorns the hardest, (check out your monthly forecast compliments Jamie Partridge).
Remember to do your New Moon Abundance Check and your New Moon Wish List.
Here’s my suggestions:
- Always write your wishes on paper, (not just in your head)…write in PEN, not pencil (Jim DePaul).
- Use “present tense”, (some sites don’t say this)…I envision, I am, I am GRATEFUL for, actually the gratitude one is extremely powerful, (I use this one, and the wishes that I thank for in advance come the fastest)
- Do your New Moon Abundance Check closest to the actual time of the new moon, (within 24 hours is best)
- You may also use the nonchalant method; “wouldn’t it be nice if…”
- think of wishes that have to do with the sign Aries: leadership, independence, freedom, spontaneity,
My baby girl (Shayna) is coming to town in TWO days, (the morning of the new Moon). We are going to LA for a couple of days to the LA Times Book Festival, where my book Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself will be featured at the Lulu booth (with other books). I am creatively thinking of ways to come up with extra spending cash while she is in town so I am running a “NAME YOUR OWN PRICE” Astrology Special until Midnight tonite! (So I can work on all the charts & have them done by Wednesday). 🙂
Here are your choices: (just pick one and donate whatever amount you wish to). Put the name of the chart in the comments section with your birth data.
- Karmic Insights (past life report)
- Name & Numerology (life destiny, soul vibration etc. for your entire life)
- Personal Year Numerology (extensive report on the energies happening THIS year for you)
- Personality Profile (based on your chart; scores you in 25 different categories, on what you’re best suited for)
- Natal Chart (in-depth report on your life areas, challenges, opportunities, and how to best utilize what you were born with)
- Please go to the “ANGEL WINGS” above to “name your price & pick a chart”
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for your continued support, love & generosity!