It’s time to dig up all those skeletons and bones you’ve had lying around in the closets of your mind and heal thy self. This is a time of death & rebirth, the Phoenix rising from the ashes, everything Plutonian. Doors closing, doors opening, (sing that song from your Louise Hay classes you had with me).
Know that after tomorrow, you can no longer exist as you once were, something’s gotta give is the best way to explain the shifting energy changes that are headed our way. Surrender, it’s time to stop forcing the issue and be open to the “winds of change” because they definitely are blowin’ in the wind, and you don’t need Bob Dylan to tell you that the times they are a changin’.
Light a red candle and/or black, make out your new moon wish list and do your New Moon Abundance check! If you know what house holds 19 degrees Scorpio look to that house to find out where the death & rebirth is happening. The New Moon times are 12:47p/ EST and 9:47pm/PST Wednesday 11-11-15.
Check out your Zodiac sign below to see how it’s affecting your sign:
Aries: This may not be the perfect time to say that, but guys please slow down and have some rest. Your body needs it, your mind asks for it during the past weeks and your aura demands some cleansing. The truth is that with Venus right in front of you, you become pretty restless and ready to look directly at your love life as your instincts begin to burst into flames. Just please take small steps and have some rest.
Taurus: A New Moon in the opposite sign of the Zodiac, creates the perfect time to re-evaluate how you treat others and consequently, yourself. You see, Love is the ultimate weapon, your biggest ally and the most powerful medicine. There is nothing Love cannot fix. Venus in your 6th house heals your wounds and you feel reborn.
Gemini: There are so many things that happen right now in your everyday life. It makes you feel like Hercules fighting the Hydra. Every time you face one issue, many more come back to haunt you. You have to make time for yourself, otherwise you’ll see your energy levels depleted and your body aching. Love yourself and help your body detoxify.
Cancer: A benevolent New Moon for you, helping you move towards what excites you. Everything that has to do with your home is now easier to be renewed. If your work has to do with decoration like furniture or catering, you will probably receive a helpful boost. Now it’s the time to stand up and conquer your dreams. The time has come.
Leo: Challenges make us stronger and you know that really really well. Cosmos hasn’t been easy with you the past years and this New Moon reminds you these tough times. However, things have changed and you are now more capable to deal with your financial status and therefore plan your life more accurately.
Virgo: A helpful time, a healing time. You’ve faced many challenges and now that things are better everybody sees the light in your eyes. Now you are ready to face your dreams and move on. The power is in your hands but you may also receive positive energy from the ones who are close to you. In few words, better days are coming!
Libra: Your finances seem to face some challenges but it’s all for the best. You see, time has come to make powerful decisions as far as your possessions are concerned. Moreover, with Venus in your sign, you become even more charming day after day. Starting a diet or renewing your gym’s membership is amongst things which are favoured. You are getting stronger and more beautiful!
Scorpio: A time of change, a time of introspection. Now that it’s all over, you have the time – and clarity – to see what exactly happened during the last few years. Pain comes and goes but what’s now left is a stronger self. You’ve come a long way and now hatching is over. You are reborn and ready to walk the path of your dreams. Look up… there’s a star shining for you.
Sagittarius: A neutral time for you but it’s also very important. You see, before change is manifested, it comes a long way in the spiritual plane. That’s what is happening right now. Spiritual winds predict changes in your life and you see it in your dreams, you feel it in your heart. Now it’s time to believe in yourself and face whatever difficulty may come forth.
(credit given to Planet Vibes for the 12 Signs)
Capricorn: Helpful New Moon and pleasant changes in your work environment. You are ready to take more responsibilities in your job or even start anew. You feel that your good Fate is pushing to evolve in many ways possible. Listen to your heart and do the changes you are meant to do. Good luck is by your side but do not proceed irresponsibly.
Aquarius: This New Moon forces you to take your job more seriously. It’s not that you were not responsible or good enough. Blame it on the stars. You just have to understand something crucial to move on. What is it, I cannot tell. You only know that and even if you don’t, try meditating to find what’s missing. You may need to find a new job or re-evaluate the terms under you work. Does it make sense to you?
Pisces: A helpful new Moon which brings out your need to evolve and reach higher intellectual levels. You need to travel more, learn more and do more. You want to break free from what’s holding you back and tell the world, I’M READY! Please do that. It’s a very helpful time to look into yourself and make the appropriate changes to breathe the air of freedom.
(credit given to Planet Vibes for the 12 Signs)
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