It’s that time again; hold on to your hats. Fear not, you have before you your Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide:
What Is Mercury Retrograde?
Mercury is the planet closet to the Sun, it’s orbit is much shorter than Earth’s. Three to four times a year Mercury speeds past Earth, shaking up everything in it’s path, creating a Tsunami, leaving a powerful tornado in it’s wake.
What Does Mercury Rule?
Planes, trains & automobiles, all types of communication, including listening/speaking, the media, radio, TV & publishing. All types of agreements, contracts, leases, wills, & negotiations. If the Declaration of Independence was signed during Mercury Retrograde we probably wouldn’t be a free nation today.
- make any important decisions (whether you want a divorce will have to wait)
- launch a website, magazine or your own television show; when they asked me if I wanted to host my own television show back in Cleveland, believe it or not {as much as I wanted to} I told them I’d have to wait three weeks till Mercury Retrograde was over. They said OK & the rest is history, I had my own TV show right up until I left Cleveland
- sign any contracts
- close on a house
- purchase electronics, especially computers or software
- start a new job
- buy a new car (I did this after my car accident {even though I knew better} & the car I bought was a total lemon, thank God my Angels were watching over me (the owner wouldn’t let me take it off the lot); he knew, his conscience got to him; it all worked out three weeks later
Be Extra Careful When:
- sending emails (no drunk emailing please, it’s double dangerous during a Retrograde)
- making appointments, triple check everything
- speaking, watch your tongue, it’s open mouth insert foot season
- it comes to your auto, check lights, battery, oil, tires, & keep track of your keys
- traveling, carry your AAA card, GPS & maps
- handling important papers, passports etc. (make a copy)
- dealing with relationships, (it will come back to haunt you)
What To Do: (The Good News):
- anything to do with the prefix “re”
- reconnect with friends from the past (have a reunion)
- reorganize your closet, garage, basement
- repair things you started in the past (but never finished)
- revisit a project you got half-way through then quit
- repeat customers, especially if you’re in sales this is the time to call back customers who’ve had a relationship with you in the past
- reflect, ah yes, take some time to meditate & reflect on your past, & the lessons
These are your Retrograde times (EDT) & since the Retrograde is happening in Libra be extra careful with relationships.
17 Sep 2015 02:04 pm 15 Libra 55’Rx Mercury Stationary Retrograde
09 Oct 2015 10:49 am 00 Libra 54′ Mercury Stationary Direct
Here’s a link to see how the Retrograde affects your personal sun/rising sign; scroll down to where it says:Mercury Retrograde through the Signs – September 17th to October 9th, 2015
One final note: To all the Leos, Virgos, & Libras, email me for 50% off your Solar Returns, especially the Virgos; Jupiter is in your sign & this is your best year in the last twelve.
Thank You for all your continued support, donations, & tithes so that I may continue to work with Spirit to serve you!