The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will happen Sunday at 10:51 pm EDT/7:51 pm PDT, at 4 degrees Aries, (Moon) & 4 degrees Libra (Sun). The focus is on relationships, (see what was going on in your life during the last eclipse on April 4, 2015.) You’ll get a second chance to take action (Aries), free yourself from whatever chains (self-imposed or not) are holding you back from being your unique self, while gaining insight on how to deal with others.
A lunar eclipse is a time of beginnings, endings, exposure and major changes. It always has something to do with “relationships”. The changes are tied to how we relate and will have a lasting impression. Emotions run high, causing upsets and feelings of disorientation. Actions taken may not have the expected results, but they do bring awareness and enlightenment. The energy of an eclipse is at its strongest during the two days before and three days after its occurrence.
At lunar eclipses we: merge, unite, announce, contact, present ourselves, bring something out into the open, make decisions, engage, rise to the challenge, make an effort, change, get a new perspective, join with others, take on greater challenges, travel at a faster pace, feel restless, feel pressured by deadlines and a buildup of emotions, and experience excitement and crisis.
During a Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposition, also called the Full Phase, indicating the linking of soul to spirit and awareness of purpose gained through relationship with another. A lunar eclipse is a supercharged Full Moon. The blocking of the Moon’s reflection of the Sun’s light by the Earth suggests that our material viewpoint stands in the way of our “seeing the light”. It serves as a reminder that we need to realize how we are held in the dark by virtue of our perspective.
Affirm: I am my self with others.
The last time a lunar eclipse occurred at this degree was September 27, 1996 and September 27, 1977. A review of your life experiences at those times may provide clues to how you will experience this eclipse.
Events associated with this eclipse had their origin in late March, 2014, were triggered into action during late December 2014 and will resurface for completion in late June 2016.
The eclipse does not have to fall in your sign for you to feel its effects. However, if your birthday is within a day of Jan 24, Feb 8, Feb 23, Mar 24, Apr 24, May 9, May 25, Jun 25, Jul 26, Aug 11, Aug 27, Sep 26, Oct 27, Nov 11, Nov 26, Dec 25, you will definitely have an emotional response. If it makes any contacts to a planet or personal point in your chart, your experience of the eclipse will be heightened. (credit given to Zodiac Arts)
Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) will get the most cosmic bang from this eclipse. Look to your chart for those planets 0 to 9 degrees in the aforementioned signs. You could always contact your local astrologer (wink, wink) if you’re having trouble.
The bottom line about this eclipse is:
- emotions are at an all time high
- the way we look at relationships is highlighted
- we need to find our balance in relationships without losing our sense of self
- something’s gotta give (a time for endings & beginnings)
- we will see our reflection through our relationships and have an enlightened awareness
- it’s about the past & karmic relationships
- a union of soul and spirit
- the shadow side will be exposed to the light
I hope this has shed some light on this upcoming eclipse. Use it as a learning phase, a time of reflection, especially because it is happening during the Mercury Retrograde.
Good Luck, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me for a consultation.
Love & Blessings,