I’ve been doing some more reading of books I’ve read before and some new listening to a CD by Abraham, Ester Hicks & Wayne Dyer. Again, this may not be “new” stuff for you, however it just MAY BE SOMETHING YOU NEED TO HEAR AGAIN!
I’ve been hearing a lot about “what you resist persists”. While this may seem like a simple enough statement for you, let’s look at it a little deeper, shall we?
- whatever you focus on you give energy to
- whatever you give energy to gets stronger in vibration
- whatever gets stronger in vibration manifests
In other words, when you’re thinking about something that you do NOT want, or something that upsets you, you are creating an energy field that will search out everything in it’s field of vibration that matches that and bring it right to you! Yikes!!!
Let’s use weight as an example, when you look into the mirror and aren’t happy with what you see, and you think about it all day long, you are actually creating more weight to come to you. I recently took a trip to Cleveland, and while I was there (10 days) I didn’t have my scale (I weigh myself religiously everyday when I’m at home). I was eating, drinking and partying quite regularly (lots of wine). I even ate things I wouldn’t normally eat (gluten) and etc. When I got home and weighed myself the next morning I was exactly the SAME weight to the .tenth (I have a digital scale that registers the tenths). Point being is I really didn’t give it much thought while I was in Cleveland and ate and drank whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Could I do it here? Maybe if I wasn’t obsessed about it. Do you see where I’m going with this? Let go of the resistance.
It’s the same thing with money, focusing on what you do NOT have only brings more poverty with it. I get it, you want to say “well this is the reality of this and that…” Start putting your focus on what you are GRATEFUL for in your life. I’m assuming you have a roof over your head, food in your belly, and a friend or two right? Let’s start there and bring ourselves up the vibrational ladder.
I’m going to share with you a process, I had been using non-nonchalantly and not giving it much thought, (that’s the key, letting go of resistance). It’s an Abraham process called The Magic Creation Box, (I simply refer to it as The Magic Box). The best time to use this process is when you are in a happy positive mood (between 1 & 5 on the Emotional Scale). This is a perfect time when you want to direct more specifics about what you want to the Universal Manager at Large. Get yourself a box that is pleasing to you (Michaels, TJ Maxx, Target) and on the outside where you where easily notice it write “Whatever is contained in this box–IS!”
Next as you go about your day and you see things that you would like,:
- write it down, drop into box
- cut it out of a magazine, drop into box
- take a picture of it, drop into box
- as you drop into box say “Whatever is contained in this box–IS!”
The whole point is to be whimsical with this, have fun and watch your world manifest. I had started this box quite awhile ago and hadn’t opened it up for quite some time. I had actually been putting stuff in there I wanted to put on a Treasure Map (Vision Board). Yesterday, I started pulling stuff out to put in a Vision Scrapbook I’m making and Lo and Behold I found a picture of a white Kitchen Aid mixer that I wanted, pictures of a trip to the Grand Canyon, and a plethora of other things. Some of those things have been in that box for close to a year or more. The mixer is sitting on my kitchen counter, someone at work just gave me one awhile back, and a very dear friend of mine treated me to a wonderful trip to the Grand Canyon, and Sedona in May! Who woulda thunk it?
For those of you who have been asking how to get my book, here is a link:
Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself If you already have one; it makes a great Holiday gift. 🙂
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for your support!