It takes a lot of courage to be true to yourself! Most of us can relate to this statement in more ways than one. We also can look back on our lives and clearly remember moments when we weren’t true to ourselves and how that felt.
Before I share with you some tips on how to “stay” true to oneself I’d like to show you the subtle ways in which we aren’t being true to ourselves. This is to shine the light on things we may be doing to sabotage being true to ourselves that we may be totally unaware of.
What Happens When We Are NOT True to Ourselves:
- we justify (make excuses) for our actions and our choices; this is usually when FEAR is raising it’s ugly head
- our gut makes a noise similar to the rumblings of a level 7 earthquake (or some other physical sign)
- we run from our negative emotions such as guilt, sadness, and anger instead of taking a deeper look to see what is really going on; (which usually equates to we are NOT being true to ourselves, hence the negative emotions)
- we abandon ourselves and our desires in small ways (we eat something we don’t like, go somewhere we don’t want to be, etc.)
- we give our power away (looking outside of ourselves for acceptance and validation)
- we PROCRASTINATE (I’m famous for this one); this is FEAR showing up in a huge way (procrastination=fear)
HOW to be True to Ourselves:
- have a special friend, one that knows & loves you so well that he/she will let you know when you’re swaying
- have a vision/dream (written down) and keep your goals aligned with your vision/dream
- take 100% responsibility for YOU and your life; 100% not 90, not 85, 100 freaking percent!
- make mistakes, that’s the only way you get to the successes
- embrace what makes you UNIQUE, whatever that may be; don’t be afraid to dress, talk, act or be who you REALLY are
- be in the moment, quit multitasking; you are cheating yourself and the people you are with, (if you can’t be totally engaged with what you’re doing & who you are doing it with, then you’re sending a message to yourself and the other person that you and/them aren’t worth the time to invest 100% of your attention (this message is so obvious to the other person however, people do this all the time)
- take the money equation out of it; this is huge in our society especially with
females, it’s evident in domestic violence situations, between parents & children, and even in the workplace; ask yourself if there was no money involved would you still make the SAME decision, (in other words don’t compromise your morals, beliefs, and feelings and stay in jobs, situations or relationships because you feel the rug may be pulled out from under you) TRUST ME GOD WILL FIND ANOTHER RUG, one that doesn’t hold the money card over your head
I hope this blog has helped you regain your integrity, I am approaching SIXTY in thirty days and the older I become the less I care what people think of me. I wish I could’ve had that attitude early on in my life, it would have saved my self-respect in so many circumstances in my life.
Thank you for your support which allows me to continue to serve Spirit while living my passion…