We just had a Full Moon in Scorpio, last night. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the underworld, and things that go bump in the night, or disappear into the depths of that hidden secret cave, deep below the surface. This full moon is not for the faint of heart, this full moon is asking us to delve deeper than we’ve ever dared tread before. Yeah, that’s right, there’s no running away any longer from those skeletons in our closets that are “BEGGING” to come out and for the light to be shone on them.
This is the time to not only deal with but confront what we’ve been trying to ignore the most, yet that is shouting to the Heavens for us to pay attention. That’s right my friend, you can no longer hide under that bushel basket. Dare to come out of your comfort zone, dare to finally take a long hard look at what it is you’ve been avoiding.
Of course, the choice is always yours, you can still SAFE in your cozy little cocoon. However, you say you want to grow spiritually, you say you want to have all that life can (and will) give you! Then, the Scorpion ball of fire is in your court and it’s your serve.
Now for the Spring Cleaning purging part of the Full Moon, here’s a little Zodiac guide to get you through. As always, when purging or cleaning out remember to say your affirmations: “I AM cleaning out the closets of my mind, releasing all that no longer serves who I AM and who I AM becoming. I AM releasing old out-dated negative beliefs and thoughts patterns that no longer serve who I AM and who I AM becoming!”
Spring Cleaning Thru the Stars:
No one really looks forward to it, except maybe bored Virgos.
Still, seeing the neighbor’s trash piled high with old, broken items coated in dust is inspiration enough to coax most of us into our garages, cellars and closets at this time of year. The accepted time limit for all but the most dedicated of packrats is items untouched for at least six months.
Here are some additional tips to make the project easier:
(March 21 – April 19)
You’re fast and furious as a bullet, so cleaning, like everything else, absolutely must happen quickly – or it won’t happen at all. Carry a large Tupperware container through your home. Put anything in it that isn’t where it should be – the dishes under the couch, the mats from your sports car that currently live on the porch, and the radar-detector that’s broken (because it failed you.) If you can’t force yourself to complete the project, use an age-old Aries cleaning secret: toss out everything and buy new stuff!
(April 20 – May 20)
You adore beautiful objects, pleasing aromas, and sweet sounds, and you choose possessions with great care. That includes your stereo system, your designer wardrobe, and all those expensive shoes. Tending to your things takes work, which you’ve never been afraid of. What does terrify you is throwing things away, so the pile by your curb when spring pickup occurs won’t be much larger than it was last week. Toss the eight-track cassettes, though. They really aren’t going to start making them again.
(May 21 – June 21)
With your schedule, cleaning time is tough to arrange. If you can’t find your phone-charger, your electronic games, or worse, your precious iPod, spring cleaning is your big chance to devote an entire day to finding them and getting organized. Your famous ability to do 17 things at once will help, but you’ll still need to get rid of two things that will be tough to part with: the pens that don’t write and the old crossword books.
(June 22 – July 22)
You love your home, so spring cleaning isn’t a hardship. Still, anything with sentimental, nostalgic value will stay – and there will be no discussion about it. If you need to de-clutter but you’re attached, pack special things away. Think twice about the clay ashtrays, though. Nobody smokes indoors anymore, and aren’t the kids in college? Keep the school photos, and toss the crocheted bathroom tissue holder with the doll inside that your aunt gave you. You’ve always hated it, anyway.
(July 23 – August 22)
Like all royalty, your home is your castle, and you take great pride in it. With warm weather en route, it’s time to think about preparing the castle for visitors. Start with wherever it is that you hold most of your impromptu parties. Rearrange the walls first. Put the awards, certificates, and photos of you with celebrities in a more prominent place, make sure the wine cellar is stocked, and hang the hammock. It’s almost time for long, lazy naps in the sun.
(August 23 – September 22)
You’re neat, health-conscious, and organized. But you also love to fix things, so your garage or workshop is probably the only spot that needs straightening – oh, and maybe the medicine cabinet. No one has to remind you to label everything. Just don’t get so wrapped up in arranging and rearranging the cleaning supplies and the Band-Aids that you forget about the four lamps you’re in the process of repairing.
(September 23 – October 22)
If your sweetie makes plans, you’ll lock the door behind you and let the spring cleaning wait. You appreciate beauty and balance, though, so a neat, clean nest is important. Tend to a few priorities first, a little bit at a time – such as tossing the love notes from high school. (It’s over. Really.) Then return everything you decided didn’t fit right when you got it home. Force yourself. You can buy dinner for two with the proceeds.
(October 23 – November 21)
Spring cleaning for your sign usually means unearthing everything you thought was already long gone – because you put it in such a safe place, you can’t even find it yourself. It’s time to go through all the corners of all the closets – yes, even the one that’s hidden behind the fake wall of books. The good news is that you’ll probably find money, your favorite thing to stash. Check every pocket, too.
(November 22 – December 21)
Most of you aren’t home long enough to keep your places as tidy as you’d like, but getting organized now and then is important. Otherwise, how would you find your passport? When the cleaning bug bites, here’s what may topple down when you open your closet door: several back-packs containing half-full water-bottles, your stash of maps, and a zillion ticket stubs. Before you start, warn your friends you’ll be missing for a few days.
(December 22 – January 19)
Your reputation for safety and caution is famous. What you dislike most is being unprepared, especially if an authority figure asks for paperwork. You have several file cabinets full of documents that aren’t important anymore. Clear them out. Use a shredder to make you feel better about it. In particular, toss the pre-1987 tax records. It’s safe now.
(January 20 – February 18)
Because you love change, you probably rearrange quite often, which means that dust isn’t a problem and neither is accumulation, but now that spring is here, it’s time to do it up big. As you putter around your loft, tree house, houseboat, or mountain retreat, organize your (boxed and complete) collection of Star Wars action figures, then lay out the kitchen gadgets you bought on impulse and figure out what each of them really does.
(February 19 – March 20)
If it’s got sentimental value, it will be next to impossible for you to toss it. If you don’t use it and you really don’t care for it, try. Getting rid of old things makes room for new ones – and the memories that accompany them. When you’re searching for items to toss or pack away, at least consider cutting your collection of romance novels in half. If you need to, save the covers.
Thank you for your generosity and love,