First off, I want to officially kick off the Eva Starr Birthday Celebration! You all know how much I LOVE my birthday. Well this year is the BIG “60” and I couldn’t be more excited. Yesterday was the official 60 days till 60 countdown, but I never got the blog out. I’m already ripping those pages off the calendar 59 more days to go YIPEE!!!
With that being said I’ve already started looking at my Solar Return, looks like it’s going to be quite an interesting year. The Solar Return takes an in-depth look at the planets and what HOUSES they are visiting during your birthday cycle (which is about 3 months before the “BIG DAY” and then the next twelve months from there on).
This is what a Solar Return can tell you:
- what planets are activating your money house (and the house of other people’s money), if you need to save, or splurge, or if money is coming to you from the lotto or an inheritance
- if schooling is in the stars and if it’s overseas or local
- your place to “shine” depending where the Sun decides to camp out during your birthday cycle is where the ‘spotlight’ will be
- home and family, whether this is the year to move, downsize or purchase real estate, and what’s happening on the “home front”
- sex, love & money, (not necessarily in that order)…yes depending on where Venus, Pluto and Mars line up can tell you quite a bit about the dark secrets that lurk in those closets and who’s hiding in them
The Zodiac flavors of the month for the Solar Return 50% off discount are: Aries, Taurus, & Gemini. Email me with your birth data [email protected]
Today I had an opportunity to take a break and read by the pool, something I enjoy, although I prefer the Jacuzzi under the moon & stars at night. I picked up a book by John Adams on the Power of the Prosperous Word. I know we’ve heard this stuff before; however, I still think a refresher course once in awhile is a good thing! Here are the KEY points I’d like to reiterate for those of us working on our prosperity:
- Have a GOAL, don’t just “wish” although like I said last week with the Magic Wand, that’s a good place to start. Now, I’d like you to draw up a blueprint as if you were an architect designing a home.
- WRITE IT DOWN! In pen, not pencil, on paper not in your head! DO IT!!!
- BE SPECIFIC!!! I can’t emphasize this one enough:
- WHY you want it
- HOW MUCH do you want
- WHAT are you going to buy with it, or WHO are you going to spend it on
- WHEN do you want this to come to you by (DATE IT)!
- WHERE are you going with it, or WHERE is this happening at
- ZIP IT! KEEP A LID ON IT! KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! Am I making myself clear with this one??? If you want your goals to manifest, don’t go telling the whole world and posting it on FACEBOOK…wait until you’ve GOT IT!!! (this is the one single mistake people make)
- TITHE! Yes, take a deep breath, this truly works. If you’re in debt and you’re not tithing, guess what? That’s why you’re in debt. Don’t take my word for it! Although, I have many life experiences to prove this principle. It’s in all the great classics!
If any of what I have to say each week in Soul Food empowers, inspires, reminds you, or makes you laugh…feel free to drop a coin on the Angel Wings above.
Thank You for your continued support and generosity. I Love You!
Till we meet again on the pages of my blog,