As if we didn’t have enough going on with the global pandemic, the crazy election drama, heavy duty planets in Capricorn (order, discipline, & authority), Mars Retrograde, (warrior, power, police, & social unrest), the Universe is about to throw another monkey wrench into the mix. Hold on to your hats, Mercury is about to go Retrograde!
We’ve been in the shadow period since Sept. 24th, but the real deal is happening today at 6:05pm/PDT & 9:05pm/EDT at 11* Scorpio. Hold onto your hats, the S%*% is about to hit the fan! Mercury will start its Retrograde period in Scorpio, move back into Libra, and end on Nov. 3rd (Election Day) at 26* Libra. Are you having a bit of De Ja Vu? Well, you should, the last time Mercury ended his Retrograde cycle on Election Day was at the hanging chad Bush-Gore election that was decided by the Supreme Court.
Hmmn, Mercury rules the mail, (i.e. post office) and all matters of communication. Mercury will be slowing down considerably during its Retrograde, s-l-o-w-i-n-g everything down, especially those mail-in ballots. However, let’s look on the bright side, “what doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger.” I should be about as strong as an ox by now, just saying.
When Mercury starts its Retrograde process is will be in Scorpio, (hidden, research, power, sex, intensity, manipulation & renewal) just a few key words dealing with Scorpio. Retreat into your man/woman cave and dig deep into your Soul, to find what’s holding you back. Seek the hidden truths regarding your true self that’s buried under the superfluous exterior. Let’s face it, we’ve all had a helluva year, a retreat during this time would be just what the doctor ordered. Take on the persona of a snake, and shed your skin, letting go of what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming. After all Scorpio has incredible rejuvenating powers, akin to the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Once Mercury moves back into Libra on Oct. 27th at 6:33pm/PDT & 9:33pm/EDT the dance changes into one of a waltz instead of a Tango. We’ve put away our Halloween disguise of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hide and dressed up as Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. Now, we can visit the spa, for a little R & R instead of the dark cave. Finish renovating the dining room area of your home, reconnect with old friends with some fine wine and delicacies. You can even bring out those colorful decorative masks you were too embarrassed to wear at the grocery store. Lay on the charm, and they will be eating out of your hand.
Here’s your Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide:
DON’TS: (let’s get these out of the way)
- don’t install new software, or decide to completely overhaul your computer (you’re not the Geek Squad) & even if you are, this is NOT the time to do it
- watch your words, this is the time when people tend to “open mouth, insert foot, or whole leg” and for God’s sake; don’t drunk text or FB after doing shots of Tequila, it’s bad enough when we do it without the
- double check, triple check, all documents, emails, posts, and appointments, you don’t want to end up in Tijuana, when your friend said Topanga, or if you’re in Ohio, same thing you don’t want to end up stranded in Kinsman when you’re friend is waiting for you in Kirkland
- don’t sign any important contracts or start a new job
- hold off signing on the dotted line for that new house or your new Lincoln
- planes, trains, & automobiles; if at all possible hold off travel, if you must, triple check everything; be extra careful with keys, batteries, tires
- HOLD OFF on trying new daring adventures at this time, if you’ve never climbed Mt. Everest this isn’t the time to decide you’re going to make a name for yourself, (unless you want the headlines to read “first time climber found missing in avalanche)…also don’t throw yourself in front of a train just to prove it’s not your “time” to go, (that’s just called ‘dumb-ass’)
- reassess, redo, relax, rejuvenate, redesign, rethink, reapply, reflect,
- reconnect with old friends from the past, and don’t be surprised if an ex-lover shows up at your door, this is meant for a reason so healing can happen and then the two of you can move forward, (or get back together) however I feel it’s the former
- reorganize your closets, your files
- rewrite that novel you started months ago
- revisit that project you abandoned (I have a few of those)
- something hidden is revealed, be open and aware
- If you have a “history” with something then it’s OK to sign the deal on a house you have a history with (you put a bid on it months ago, you babysat the neighbors kids in that house, etc.)
- if you’re old boss (whom you liked) is at a new company & offers you a job
- if you’re in sales, cars, real estate etc. look up former clients you have an established “history” with
- you started building a website & put quite a bit of work into it, then let it sit for months
How this Retrograde Affects Each Sign’s Love Life
Thank you for your continued love & support,
Eva Starr