I’ve been thinking lately about the things I’ve accomplished and the things I haven’t and the reasons behind them. I’ve come to a realization (this isn’t the first time) that I have a tiny tendency (or maybe bigger than tiny) to wait for the “perfect” time. In other words:
- to have all my ducks in a row
- to research till I’m BLUE in the face
- to have read all the “Do’s and Don’ts” about it
- and the biggie, to have the money to do it
Well I must say there are times I’m better than other times about this whole matter of perfection.
I wrote my book;

Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself back in 2006. Yea, I did the research, interviewed authors, read the Idiot’s Guide to Getting Published, even sent out 24 query letters, and yada, yada, yada.
Then I stopped! Until last January when I said to myself “are you going to do this thing or what?” Then I just jumped right in, nothing was perfect but I did it, and I got it done, and it was published four months later, and I came to Cleveland in June and did two book signings.
We are always waiting for the “right” time! I’ve got news for you there is no right time. I’ve written about this in my book; we’re seem to be perpetually waiting for:
- when I lose the weight (and how long have you been waiting for that?)
- when I have enough money (prices keep going up so you’re going to want more money)
- when I have the time (there’s still going to be 24 hours in a day 100 years from now)
I could go on but I won’t! You get the picture. On that note, I’ve been putting off doing my first Blog Talk Radio Show, I even let a whole month of FREE go by because I wasn’t ready. Well, I’m still not ready. However, I’m here to announce to you and the world my first show will be broadcast on Monday, November 23rd, come hell or high water! I will keep you posted on the details because I don’t even now them myself yet. God and I will figure them out along the way!
If you can relate to any of this, or felt inspired, or empowered, feel free to let me know.
I love you! You CAN do this!