I’ve been doing a whole healing detox for the last couple days, to reset my metabolism and cleanse my body of toxins, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Interesting thing, I noticed this morning that Pluto is hitting my Sun in my astrological chart indicating the need to release anything and everything in my life that is outworn, done serving it’s purpose, and/or no longer necessary to serve my highest good on my spiritual journey, hmm.
That being said, it makes perfect sense that I chose now to embark on this holistic detox, which leads me to an old Native-American story.
Story of the Two Wolves
There’s a story of the two wolves in Cherokee culture in which a grandfather teaches his grandson an important life lesson.
The grandfather tells his grandson that there is a battle going on inside all of us. It is a battle between two wolves that live inside us.
He says, “My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ that live inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”
The grandson thinks about it for a while and says, “Which wolf wins?”
The grandfather replies, “The one you feed”.
This is an old story which I’m sure most of you have heard before. I would like to ask you, this very same question:
On a daily basis we are always feeding one wolf or the other. Think about food, for example, (since I’m doing this detox). WHY do we eat? Some might say “to feed our bodies,” and others might say “because I’m hungry.”
That may be true, but if you’re like me, and a large percentage of the world, you may eat to feed your emotions. Myself, being a Cancer, (Zodiac sign), we’re all about emotion, just ask my daughter Shayna, she feels I cry over EVERYTHING. OK true, I do, but it’s the good and the bad, I am an empath, and I feel everything as if it were happening within me. Yes, I cry over happy things as well, because my heart is so over-joyed with emotion.
How do we stop ourselves from “feeding the wrong wolf?” First step is to recognize that we are doing it. Most people blindly eat, without even realizing what they’re doing. They’re not taking the time to be mindful. Examples, eating on the run, in the car, standing in front of the frig, or in front of the TV. Now, I’m not saying each and every time we do one of these it’s wrong, however, we need to be more aware.
5 Easy Steps to Stop Emotional Eating:
- Stay with the emotion, chances are you’re eating to numb the effects of some emotion you don’t want to feel. Tell yourself it’s ok to feel mad, sad, pissed off, scared, betrayed, tired or whatever it is. Talk gently to yourself about what you’re feeling, journal, write it out, call a friend. Let your body know it doesn’t need to overeat to protect you.
- Keep pleasure in your life, take long walks in the woods, or on the beach, sip wine in a bubble bath, wear silky luxurious feeling clothing, and buy yourself flowers. Giving your body other points of pleasure in your life will negate the need to derive all your pleasure from food. If you do fall off the wagon, savor every bite and morsel, this will stop the urge to eat to the point of no return.
- Eat only when you’re hungry, yea you’d think this one would be a no-brainer, but not! I myself, depending on my work, go all day without eating, because it interrupts my flow of what I’m doing, (don’t try this at home). Eating when you’re hungry let’s yuor body know it’s safe to lose weight.
- Know your triggers, if you know what sets you off for a binge, prepare ahead of time. For me it’s wine, I can eat a full healthy meal, and then drink some wine, and I want to eat again, and this time it’s usually not pretty. I purposely don’t keep junk food or sweets in my home for that reason. If you eat when you’re lonely, have a Plan B, something else that you enjoy doing that excites or relaxes you, it’s your choice.
Love Yourself, that’s right, we’re going back to Louise Hay 101, “I love and accept myself exactly as I am.” Here is a book that was recommended to me by Louis several years ago, The Only Diet There Is, by Sondra Ray, here’s her website, Sondra Ray.
As for the other areas of your life where you” feed the wolf,” let’s take one step at a time. Keep tuned into my blog, all topics involving your life’s path are on the upcoming docket.
There’s still time to jump aboard the Flavor of the Month, Solar Return Specials, click here.
Blessings to all,