First a HUGE thank you for those of you who came to support me this past Thursday at the Meet the Author night. I am extremely grateful and blessed, it was a phenomenal success, thanks to all of you!
We’re going to keep this simple, and bittersweet, the law of circulation. I can explain it to you in several ways:
- what you sow, so shall you reap
- what goes up, must come down
- what you give out, it comes back
- or simply put the Law of Karma
I’ve been reading John Randolph Price’s The Abundance Book, which I periodically read at different points in my life, (when I need little or big reminders). The book is nothing that I don’t already know, or nothing that I haven’t taught over and over again. However, sometimes we (you and I both) need little reminders. Prosperity is all about the Law of Circulation, giving and receiving, it’s similar to a flowing river, the water must have a channel to flow somewhere. When we no longer want the water to flow we build a dam.
Where in our lives have we built a dam? We must equal our receiving with our giving. Starting with loving ourselves. If you don’t love YOU, how do you expect other people to love you? When someone gives you a compliment do you say “oh it’s nothing”, or “this old rag”? When someone wants to bring something to your home, or offers you something, do you say “oh, I don’t need it”, or “I already have this or that?” If this sounds familiar you are not only taking the joy away from the giver by denying him of “giving” you are sending a message to the Universe, that you don’t want to receive, (LOUD & CLEAR).
Moving over to the financial areas of our lives, if you hoard your money, for fear of losing it, you are sending a colossal message to the Universe, blocking all flow coming to you. Positive circulation is when things increase as a result. Negative circulation is when things diminish as a result. What you hold on to will keep slipping away until there is nothing left. You can never escape the law of circulation. If you try to stop the circulation of things, it will still circulate but in a negative manner. It will be circulated through unexpected expenses such as paying for repairs and replacements of things that are damaged, stolen or lost. Look at areas in your life where you are prevented from keeping your money or being forced to spend it. (credit to
It is better to give frequently, to keep the continual flow of circulation operating in your life. The whole message here is a CONSTANT flow, circulation, movement, energy, exchange, call it what you want, the point is to keep it moving. (Think of changing the water in a fish tank) When there are periods of my life, I notice are in stagnation, the first thing I check is that my tithes are current, once I do that than almost immediately the river starts to flow again and my cup runneth over. Remember “You cannot out-give God!” Give to wherever you are spiritually fed, empowered or inspired. For me, I like to spread the wealth and sprinkle it to wherever I am fed at the time.
Give away what you want more of in your life:
- if you want more love, give love to others
- if you want more time, go volunteer and give of your time
- if you want more knowledge, give of your wisdom to others
- if you want more money, give money
I think you get the picture, the law of circulation works in all areas of your life,
Astrology classes start October 26th, Thursday evenings, email me or phone me for more info!
Know a little or nothing at all? Learn what makes water signs emotional, & why fire signs are hot under the collar. What does a triple Aquarius mean? Learn about the 12 houses & planetary placements. Get the “truth” about Mercury Retrograde. Understand Venus & Mars in your chart & what makes your mate tick!
Work with your own personal laminated chart. You will learn more about Astrology in these eight weeks than you ever thought possible. Fun, interactive, exciting, hands-on class. Work with the Astrology dice, and Karma cards last week of class. FUN, FUN, FUN! (Classes start Thursday evenings October 26th, 7-8:30 pm)
Thank you for your love and support,
Eva Starr, (click on the Moon Logo to be taken directly to the TV Show)