Your body is the vehicle for your Soul, much like your automobile houses your physical body, the physical body houses the Soul. The reason I am stating this is to enlighten you as to the importance of heeding the messages your body is sending you before it turns into a full-blown collision to your body as opposed to a minor scratch, (I’m speaking metaphorically here).
As many of you know I studied the works of Louise Hay in San Diego back in 2001, and came back to Ohio to teach the work before following a dream and moving to San Diego in 2007. Only to return, (or sent by the Universe?) back to Ohio in late September of 2016 upon the passing of my mother.
Louise was the founder of the mind-body connection with her first book Heal Your Body (1977) then her internationally acclaimed book You Can Heal Your Life (1984) which I based my classes on after studying her work in San Diego. After her book You Can Heal Your Life, she became a household name in the metaphysical industry. Click here for more on Louise Hay.

I find her work to be very relevant in my life and the lives of others today. One of the many

things about her work that fascinated me the most was the connections she made to dis-ease (as Louise like to call it) and/or illnesses to our thoughts and everyday actions. I have experienced this first hand a number of times during my life’s journey. One of the more poignant was when I got Bells Palsy in San Diego back in June of 2009. The pictures posted here are two weeks apart (before & after), after relentlessly following the metaphysical principles that I had learned I was determined to get my smile back by my birthday which was just two weeks away.
Those are actual photos, my doctor was so blown away at how fast I healed myself that he called in a colleague, neither one of them had ever seen anyone recover from Bells Palsy that fast. From what I understand it takes anywhere from six months to two years to recover. I gave a Toastmaster speech just a couple of days after the first picture. I was going to cancel because I looked so hideous and sounded like Elmer Fudd, but worse. I got a standing ovation that night and took home the Blue Ribbon.
There are many lessons that I have learned from this and a plethora of incidents since then. Pay attention to your body it is talking to you. I was in a job that was literally killing me, (working the graveyard shift), my doctor told me I was headed for adrenal exhaustion if I didn’t leave that job. Mu supervisor wouldn’t switch me to the day shift because they needed me at night. Outcome, I took three months off after I got Bells Palsy (doctor’s orders) and when I returned they called to lay me off on the day I was supposed to go back to work. If you WON’T listen to your body the Universe WILL bring about change, sometimes in drastic measures.
The reason I share this now is because I’ve developed full-blown laryngitis. I know the questions to ask myself:
- where am I not speaking up for myself
- am I afraid to express what I’m really feeling (same as #1, just a different perspective)
- do I need more silence in my life
- or is someone trying to stifle what I have to say
If you haven’t been blessed to read Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy.
I am going to start a new column (in the blog) called Dear Starr. Please feel free to email me your questions to [email protected]. All participants will remain anonymous. I am also looking for an Aries or Aries Rising person who has a unique hobby or passion or is an entrepreneur. Please email me asap to [email protected].
One last thing, your blog will either come to you as Soul Food, Starr Food, Dear Starr, just know they are all from me and my blog.
Thanks for your love & support,
Eva Starr