Soul Food-What the Year of the Ox Means for You/New Moon Love Magnet

February 9, 2021by Eva Starr0
year of the ox
New Moon Aquarius

***Please note: All links in my blog will be in PINK, BOLDED & UNDERLINED so you will know those are clickable links.

New Moon AquariusThe New Moon happens at 23* Aquarius, February 11th at 11:06am/PST 2:06pm/EST just in time for the Lunar (Chinese) New Year and Valentine’s Day. This Love Magnet New Moon happens shortly after Lady Venus meets up with Lucky Jupiter. When Lady Venus shows up at your door, she’s adorned with a smile that says class and elegance, ready to be swept off her feet by Jupiter, King of the Gods.

A day or so later we have Mars, Warrior God (son of Jupiter) meeting up with Neptune, God of the Seas, (brother of Jupiter). Now that you’ve been swept off your feet, your passions are on fire, burning inside that cauldron (your heart) and you have visions of ecstasy and you’re seeing stars as you’ve never seen before.

However, slow down there dreamy-eyed, you’re still wearing your rose-colored glasses. On the 17th (Feb) out-of-the-blue along comes Uranus (father of Saturn) and clashes with Saturn. Change is evident, your freedom may be restricted, what no longer serves you must be released. However, if you remain flexible and optimistic, the Sun will shine again, after the storm.

Don’t forget to do your New Moon Abundance Check

Crystals, Candle Colors, & Affirmations for the New Moon in Aquarius

Next on the horizon this week is the Lunar New Year, February 12th. The Lunar New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. The Year of the Ox, here is where you can find what the Year of the Ox means for your Chinese Zodiac sign, even your personality right down to your blood type. Go to the left column & click on your animal & all your info will be there!

Reminder: Metaphysics FREE Zoom Meeting Group starts Monday, February 15th register here

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Feb 15, 2021, 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Thank You for your continued love & support,

Eva Starr

Eva Starr

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