First off I want to thank all of you who sent prayers, it is greatly appreciated…keep ’em coming. Next I also want to thank those of you who take the time to read my blog, click on the resource links, and the videos. I know we’re all busy; however I pour my heart and soul into this blog and it’s nice to know you take the time to read and even send me feedback once in awhile. THANK YOU!
Now for a little Abraham lesson before I move into Mercury Retrograde. My What-Is Need Not Influence My What-Is-Becoming! In other words, (and trust me this isn’t as easy as it sounds; I’ve had a helluva time with this one this week) when things are going all awry and freaking crazy; and you feel like you’re trespassing through enemy lines and being bombarded with bullets; it’s not easy to think pleasant thoughts of what you’d like your life to be like.
With that being said, here are a few tips to help you keep from regurgitating the Wicked Witch of the East’s Eye-of-Newt Stew. :
- WHAT-IS has no bearing on what-is coming
- by thinking & speaking of what you want; you open up a space for that to happen
- by continuing to focus on the chaos; you guessed it…you bring more garbage into your life (it’s like the needle playing your favorite 70s song on your record player over & over again, the groove gets deeper)
- write the negative thought down on a piece of paper then burn it, flush it, or throw it away (I have a mini-cauldron in my bedroom with a note-pad and a long bic lighter next to it; and I write it out, burn it, then slam the lid down on the cauldron and shout BEGONE! (I need a cauldron at work)
- RE-Frame the situation, just try and find the light in the darkness and think of the positive’s that will come out of this mud bath (again I know, it might take some looking)
- if none of the above work, then call me; (440-930-8865) I’ll help you process through it
Mercury Retrograde is about to descend (as if I don’t have enough going on)…the good news is; we all know Mercury Retrograde only last three weeks, (we can’t say that about a lot of other things in life). It’s very late here and I have an early day tomorrow, a doctor’s appt. before work, then I’m covering vacations again at work.
I normally would condense everything I research into a nice Reader’s Digest version for you; but sleep is screaming for me. Check this link out for more info: Mercury Retrograde
Thank you all for your support & generosity, I love you…
Keep the prayers & blessings coming 🙂