Depending what part of the country you’re in, or how you deal with uncertainty, bottom-line is we are all going through the Coronavirus Pandemic. Depending on what side of the fence you sit, you may be experiencing Fear, Worry, Anxiety or you may be feeling Nonchalant, Que Sera Sera, (for those of you old enough to remember Doris Day), or a It’s Life attitude.
Let’s remember whatever your beliefs, they’re your beliefs and we need to BE KIND! Not everyone sees the same color sky as you do. Not everyone hears the same music in the air as you do. And not everyone subscribes to the same belief system you do. That’s OK, just remember we are all on different paths on this journey called life. We still breathe the SAME AIR! That’s right folks, like it or not, we ARE all CONNECTED! We ARE in this TOGETHER!
Now with that being said, let’s look at some ways to allow the Coronavirus to be our catalyst for a new beginning.
LOOK FOR THE PONY. In case you missed that blog, here’s the link Look for the Pony. Yea, he’s in there somewhere, just keep digging, I’m sure you’ve heard the Napoleon Hill story “Three Feet from Gold” (which I’ve written about), it’s similar to that. Just when you want to give up, you strike gold. Do I need to remind you how many times Ben Franklin tried or Thomas Edison before they discovered electricity.
- Embrace your non-peace, what you resist only persists. Don’t make me go into a physics lesson here. I’m sure for those of you who have raised kids, know that the harder you fight & try & get them to do something the more they resist. Same thing. Acknowledge where you’re at, surrender. then allow the peace to come. It’s not WHAT happens to you, it’s HOW you respond to what happens to you, basis Metaphysics 101. Change is imminent. Your new normal will be like a pair of shoes you need to break in, WEAR THEM!
Stay the _ _ _ _ away from the media. You’re allowing yourself to get sucked into the soap opera of FEAR & DRAMA. Read inspirational books, watch empowering documentaries, connect with family & friends. I’ve been doing quite a bit of Zooming, in fact I actually watched the Kentucky Turtle Derby on Zoom with my daughter, Shayna & her girlfriend, and my turtle WON!
- Put your EINSTEIN cap on. Look for new ways to be innovative. Reconnect with your Soul, did
you forget you have one? Keep trying till you hit gold. Now is the time to take advantage of all this down time. I started a FB D-Clutter 30-day challenge, & every day I pick a new project in my house to D-Clutter. Not to mention all the other projects & new ideas I’ve got going on in that brain of mine.
Next blog will discuss How to Wake up and Chase your Dreams! Thank you for reading, if this empowers or inspires you feel free to drop a coin in the tip jar. (on the side bar)
With Love, Blessings, & Gratitude, Ziggy Starrdust and I,