Soul Food-Valentine Starr Scopes/Winter Blues? How to Kickstart your Life NOW!!!

February 4, 2022by Eva Starr2
what's your why
guard dog at your mind
turtle wins the race

Soul Food-Valentine Starr Scopes/Winter Blues? How to Kickstart your Life NOW!!!

I don’t know about where you live, but right about now, I’ve had about enough of winter! DONE!!! I lived in San Diego for ten years and moved back to Ohio after my mom passed in late 2016. I don’t like the cold, I’ve never liked the cold, I didn’t even like building a snowman as a kid. We’ve had so much snow here, and it seems to never end. I’m getting a little discouraged and feeling blah! Sound like you? (well, of course, probably not for my California friends)

I’m about to share nine tips to Kickstart your Life! Let’s do this together and check in with each other on Valentine’s Day. DEAL?

  1. HAVE A MISSION – Now when I say this, I mean, have a plan, have a goal, ANYTHING!
    • But just have one, for goodness sakes! I know for myself when I feel myself getting in a rut or feeling depressed I plan something to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be huge, just something you can plan for, get excited about, do things toward achieving that goal, just get a damn plan! I plan a 3-day getaway every 3-4 months at an Airbnb, usually within a two-hour drive from where I live. I find a quaint little town I want to visit, see what’s happening in their community and then book it. For the record, I’m pretty frugal and usually find places from anywhere to $50-$75 a night, and an entire little cottage or home. I even stayed in an entire Victorian Mansion a few summers ago in August.
  2. ELIMINATE THE WORD PROCRASTINATION from your life. I read an article or a book (not sure I’m always reading and learning new things). It is advised when you see something that needs to be done, don’t even hesitate JUST DO IT. Of course, I’m talking small things here, but it starts a habit and then it carries over to bigger things. I’ll give you a couple of examples:
    • when my cat pukes up his cat food, I sometimes wait to clean it up (I changed that habit & feel much better about it, it takes the same amount of time)
    • habit from being a bartender most of my life is waiting to go to the bathroom (no one was there to watch the bar, so I always waited way too long) I found myself still doing that today, in my own damn home! I changed that habit also…
    • you’ll be amazed how much this one little habit has stopped me from procrastinating, (or at least getting better about it)
  3. Above all else do things to keep you in the POSITIVE THINKING MODE
    • exercise
    • read metaphysical material
    • listen to inspirational Ted Talks
    • stay off social media & binge-watching Netflix (unless of course, it’s serving a higher purpose in your life)
    • meditate
  4. Be like Gumby – BE FLEXIBLE
    • have a plan B
    • change it up, eat different food, drive a different route, where a color you never wear (the list is endless)
  5. Enjoy the SIMPLE THINGS in life
    • watch a sunset/sunrise
    • bake for a neighbor
    • take a bubble bath
    • eat “one” piece of dark chocolate
    • keep a gratitude journal (I’ve been doing this for 40+ years) it DOES change your life
  6. Take good care of your FINANCES
    • even if you’re on a small budget, knowing that your bills are paid and you’re doing everything you can to pay off debt is huge for your peace of mind, not to mention your credit score
    • balance your checkbook frequently so you know where you stand
  7. Put a Doberman at the door of your mind, and put a DO NOT ENTER SIGN UP FOR YOUR FEARS
    • come up with a method when fear starts to creep in – I like to say “thank you for sharing” then shut the damn door in their face
    • do the same when ANYONE starts to rain on your parade, don’t engage them, just say “thank you for sharing and walk away!”
    • I could go on forever here, be creative, there are a zillion new things you could try
    • pick one new thing that if you did it for 30 days straight it would become a good habit forever
  9. Lastly, TAKE YOUR TIME, the turtle won the race
    • go at your own speed – not every Tom, Dick & Harry that tells you “you should” have a degree by now, be married by now, own a home by now, etc.
    • life is meant to flow like a river
    • I am a huge believer that the Universe has my back, I just need to keep taking a step (not trying to win the 100-meter race)

That should give you enough food for thought! By the way, I’m not sure how many of you scroll down to the bottom of my blog, where you can leave a comment for me. I enjoy reading positive feedback, most times I don’t know if anyone reads this stuff I write, or does it make a difference in your life. Does what I say inspire, empower or make you laugh? Let me know, leave me a comment, thank you!

February Starr Scopes

For those of you who may not have heard, I have taken extensive courses/training and testing (most of all of last year) and now have received my Astrocartography certification, (please visit this page) ASTROCARTOGRAPHY and spread the word, tell your friends!

Blessings a Hundred-Fold to You,

Eva Starr NYE 2021


Eva Starr


  • Margie Samosky

    February 4, 2022 at 8:09 pm

    Hi Eva
    Thought I’d catch you up on what is happening in my life. My mom passed away in November. She had a big house that was the hub of all our family members 18 of us. My sister Susan has moved into the house and I’m renting her mobile home for a year (long story, still have my house in Avon lake) Sandy Buescher is my best friend and she comes up with me often.
    I’ll be going up again next weekend and the weekend after that.
    Let’s talk and see what might work for you to come up. Give me a call tomorrow or Sunday.
    440 930 7800
    Oh and I liked your ideas and will do some
    Blessings Margie


    • Eva Starr

      February 17, 2022 at 9:58 pm

      Margie, sorry to hear about your mom. I’m busy this weekend & into next week, but maybe during the weekday in the first week of March. I have your # and will call when I can. Love & Blessings, Eva Starr


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