Soul Food-Today’s Full Moon/Venus Retrograde/Starr Scopes & What all This Means for You

May 6, 2020by Eva Starr0

Today’s full moon occurs at 17* Scorpio opposing the Sun in Taurus, at 6:45am/EDT & 3:45am/PDT. Scorpio is all about transformation, death & rebirth, deep, dark secrets of the psyche hidden in the caves of our Soul. While Taurus is about material assets, finances, security, what we accumulate. We need to find the balance between acquiring and letting go.

This full moon is shining the light on our emotional skeletons that we locked in the closet or buried deep in our basements. Our feelings can no longer be denied, we need to come to grip with how we are processing our time of aloneness while communicating in our relationships.

We feel an intense need to express what’s been brewing inside of us before the volcano erupts and spews lava all over the place. Tread lightly my dears, think before we speak, the Scorpion stinger takes a long time to heal. Once we remove our masks for the whole world to see, the lid is off the pressure cooker. The upside is Neptune is trining the Moon, sextiling Mercury and the Sun. What this means is “try a little tenderness” the whole BE KIND movement, that’s happening now alongside the Coronavirus. Neptune lends its healing energy to this whole bag of tricks. If that isn’t enough…

Venus, will be retrograde. From May 13th – June 25th, Venus, the planet we look to in astrology to denote the quality of our connections, bonds, and unions, will ask us to review ours.

The impacts of this Venus retrograde is perhaps a little more obvious than usual. Without knowing when some kind of “normal” social life will return, or what it will be like for us when it does, we are forced to confront the feelings of loneliness, isolation, and loss. Venus’s retrograde always asks us to confront these kinds of feelings, but not so that we suffer in vain. Although Venus’s aim is union with the world around us, this planet teaches us tremendous amounts about being in relationship with ourselves. Venus retrograde periods always offer up an opportunity to retrieve some part of ourselves that we abandoned, forgot, or betrayed. This retrieval is deep and personal, specific to each one of us, and is always aimed at our eventual renewal. ~ Chani Nicholas

Write out a list of what you want to release, what I like to say is “I am letting go of what no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming.” Light a red candle, then burn your list. During this time with a lot of planets retrograde, or about to go retrograde, the big guns Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, then the personal planets, Venus, and Mercury  this is NOT the time to start anything new. Rather, this is a time to discover what your core values and beliefs are, and ask yourself “Am I aligned with this, are my actions coming from a place of integrity?” This is a time to delve deeper into what your true passions are and hone those skills.

How This Full Moon Affects Your Zodiac Sign

May Starr Scopes

Blessings & Gratitude,

Eva Starr

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