Soul Food/Tips for Manifesting-New Moon/New Years Goals

January 12, 2021by Eva Starr0

Capricorn New MoonLet’s get right to it. The New Moon is happening at 23* Capricorn January 12th 9:00pm/PST & Midnight/EST (13th). This is a Sun/Moon combo geared for Soul growth, but not without doing the work, and running into a few road bumps along the way.

Sun/Moon in Capricorn: Imagine yourself on a road trip, heading to the mountains, you’ve been traveling for quite a while now, and you can see the peak of the mountain, you’re almost there, you can taste it.

Mars square Saturn: You’re the Hamster on a hamster wheel, & you’ve been running so fast & so hard, spinning your wheels (Mars) & wondering why you’re not going anywhere, (Saturn Father Time)

Jupiter square Uranus: Limit your risk taking, don’t overindulge your pleasures along the trip, (spending too much money, imbibing in too much food & drink) or it’s all going to blow up right in your face. Be prepared for sudden changes, road closed, detour this way.

Sun/Moon conjunct Pluto: This is where you do your research before the trip, you’ve got the power and the desire to make the long haul, but you’ve got to lighten your load along the way! Are you carrying too much excess baggage, do you need to drop off a few passengers along the way that are draining your energy? Transformation is in the making, you can feel the rebirth, you’re the snake shedding its skin.

Mercury square Uranus: Along the trip, you’ve hit varying degrees of weather, foggy, hot, cold, rain, snow you name it. This is where you adjust your perspective, change the lens of your glasses, try on a different color. The pair of glasses you’re wearing isn’t a “one lens fits all.”

Venus trine Mars/Uranus: Alas, you meet Lady Venus along the way, she eases your tension just a bit, sends you Angels just when you think you can’t go on.

You’re almost there, you’ve slayed your dragons, overcome your obstacles, learned a few life lessons, and now you’re reading to stand at the top of that mountain, feeling proud and successful you’ve accomplished your mission, while enjoying the journey along the way.

New Moon Abundance Check

How this New Moon Affect your Zodiac Sign

Crystals: Garnet, Smoky Quartz

Candle Colors: Rust/Brown (earth tones)

New Years Goals: (watch this 3-minute video)

I will be talking more about this on Monday, January 18th, Noon: FREE Zoom meeting: Treasure Mapping for the New Years & Tips on Manifesting your New Years Goals (send me an email: [email protected] to register for this FREE workshop)

Continued Blessings & Gratitudefor your support,

Eva Starr

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