As some of you might know I’ve been recovering from the hospital with a severe case of Acute Pancreatitis. I begged God to take me, however he must have other plans for me because I am still here. It’s true what they say, you won’t go until it’s your time and not a minute before or after! I was in such excruciating pain that I was ready to go…I knew I’d be at peace on the other side. Even now after three weeks of being in and out of the hospital and home recovering I am ready to go if God calls my number.
This brings me to the only “CONSTANT” in life and that is CHANGE! I, myself am good with change. I’ve been through more changes in my life than a newborn baby. Moving to Cali over ten years ago, was loaded with changes:
- I slept on a cushion in a garage for six months, then air mattresses
- Shared apartments/homes with “room shares” (total strangers)
- Took demeaning jobs, just so I could work (this was the recession 2008)
- Got “Bell’s Palsy”
- Moved back to OH to see my grand-daughter grow up, moved a half-a-block away, only to find out I am denied my rights to see her…haven’t seen that precious little darling for seventeen months, (talk about this wasn’t in “my plan”)
My point is life isn’t always going to be “nice & cozy” & a “bowl of cherries.” You’ve got to be able to adapt to the circumstances around you. Yea, I was used to sleeping in a nice comfy bed, (not this time sister). Sometimes we need to “drop our fixed set of rules” when life brings about change, no matter if it’s for a day, a week, or a year.
Some people are so set in their ways they won’t budge an inch, “this is the way I’ve always done it, so this is the way I’m going to do it and I won’t change it for nobody!” One day life is going to come in and knock those people right out of their comfort zones!
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them- that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let the things flow forward in a natural way.” – Lao Tzu
Are you a river or a rock? I am going to let you ponder this while leaving you with another quote to ponder:
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” – Heraclitus.
Calling all Aquarians, Pisces and Aries for the flavor of the month Solar Returns special. Solar Returns for the aforementioned signs are $75 (50% off). As most of my students know the Solar Return can be activated as early as three months before the birthday month, and I already have some eager beavers placing their orders. Just click on this Solar Return Special button, and you can get a jump on it also.
What is a Solar Return?
- in-depth 22-27-page report w/phone consultation of your upcoming year
- highlights the major themes, and what houses your action is focused around
- based on the exact position of natal sun returning to that same degree
- can also be altered by being in a different state or city around the date of birth
- an extremely accurate forecast of personal life events for the next fifteen months near the birth date
- Place your order here
Thank you all for your prayers & well wishes during my continued recovery! I love you…

Eva Starr