The late February New Moon in Pisces is one of my favorites! I love the sign of Pisces and everything it represents to me. Dreams, illusions, magic, mystery, falling in love with love, and the whole romanticism thing. Yep, call me a hopeless romantic, and YES, I am one of “those” who love those romantic comedy movies the best, even if I can predict the ending and I know I’m going to end up crying hopeless romantic tears! So what? Who cares? I love the idea of falling in love.
Although this New Moon isn’t all idealistic romanticism, it does have its appeal. Saturn has always gotten a bad rap, but I look at Saturn as we need him to sometimes give us a kick in the butt and help us from falling hopelessly down the rabbit hole with his structure and discipline. Yep, give me a good Saturn aspect to keep me grounded and my feet on the ground instead of my head in the clouds so high I’m flying above the planes.
This would also be a good new moon for those of you who want to brush up on your astrology skills and/or learn more than you ever thought possible. Astrology Made Easy starts up again on March 2nd; this price won’t be offered again in 2023. Astrology Made Easy
As we know, new moons are good for starting new projects, especially related to the theme of the new moon. You’ll be able to find where each new moon is in your personal astrology chart when you take the course in March. Each student receives their own personal astrology chart to work with during the seven-week course. Besides the conjunction (coming together) aspect that the Sun and the Moon make each month on the new moon, Venus (planet of love & money) is making a sextile (favorable aspect) to Pluto, and Saturn sits at the Midpoint between Venus and Pluto giving the added stability and structure to this new moon.
You will have the endurance and focus to push through any endeavor you start in the next week or so, which is another good reason to sign up for the Astrology Made Easy course. ~ Here’s what one student has to say ~
Eva’s introduction to astrology was a vibrant involvement. Her knowledge, mastery of the subject matter, and years of experience created an exciting and comprehensible overview of this esoteric material. She explained the practical application of the material and gave us opportunities to test our ability to apply this, expressing patience all the way. She truly goes above and beyond to make sure that her students understand the material. I highly commend her class and her professional services! ~ Brian Hooper, Psy.D.
This new moon occurs just after midnight tonight at 11:06 pm/PST & 2:06 am/EST at 1* Pisces 22′ Be sure to do your New Moon Abundance Check
Here is what “Astrology King” has to say about this new moon with the added favorability to Satrun at the Apex of the Eye
“The apex of the Eye is where information is most easily absorbed and where it is most beneficial. The New Moon at the apex heightens perception and intuition, and Saturn at the apex makes it easy to discriminate. So now this New Moon February 2023 Eye gives deep insight, psychic abilities, an aptitude for teaching and counseling, and the ability to sense danger and protect others.”
Let me reiterate Saturn is lending to this new moon the stability, determination, and patience to see anything through to the end. Sign up now for Astrology Made Easy, and by the time the Easter Bunny is hopping down the Bunny Trail you will have learned more Astrology than you thought possible and had FUN doing it!
Your relationships, business, and personal will also benefit from this Eye of Saturn forming the midpoint between the lovely sextile between Venus and Pluto. Your dealings with authority, elders, and government institutions will also receive a sprinkling of the Celestial Fairy Dust at this time. Letting go of what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming will be easier than you thought possible. This is the perfect time to “DE-Clutter” your life, right before Spring.
The added bonus is the Venus/Pluto sextile, expect your love life to get a boost, and be aware, a secret love (Pluto) may come out-of-hiding at this time. A new fascination for passions, or hobbies you’ve left unattended to may receive a new burst of life. Keep your eyes, and heart open to the possibilities with Venus and Pluto in the mix. I also wouldn’t rule out buying a Lotto ticket at this time. Note: I said “a” lotto ticket, not mortgage the farm!
New Moon Candle Colors:
- sea turquoise, violet, grey
- moonstone, amethyst, aquamarine
Essential Oils:
- Lavender, sandalwood, bergamot & jasmine
Magic Items: fish, sea shells, aquatic finds, pearls
Taking a sea salt bath & blessing your crystals with the new moon magic is also a ritualistic way to set your intentions for this Piscean New Moon.
New Moon Magic to All, Blessings,
Ziggy Starrdust & Eva Starr