My dear readers, it is my hope to remind you what we are during these times of uncertainty, fear, and stress. We are Spiritual Beings, made in the image and likeness of our creator, the Almighty Universe, God, Spirit, call it what you like. We will survive, we will get through this, together as spiritual beings, full of love, healing and light energy, let’s not forget where we came from.
First off, let’s get one thing clear. Yes, this is a serious pandemic that our world is going through, and not to be taken lightly. However, with that being said we can only control what’s in our boat. By that I mean this:
- do what’s asked of us, self-isolation if we feel ill
- washing our hands, constantly
- not touching our face
- coughing or sneezing into our elbows
- follow the guidelines of your state, country for physical distancing (I don’t like the word “social”)
- help your fellow neighbors
- be kind
- avoid contact with others
Fear is contagious! We already have a virus that’s contagious, do we need to compound that? I don’t think so. Not only does coming from a place of fear produce more stress, raises our cortisol levels, but it only creates MORE FEAR! What you fear, you create more of! This is basic Metaphysics 101, and especially for those of you who are former life-coach clients of mine, or Louise Hay students, I’m just reminding you of what you already know!
Let’s spread KINDNESS instead. Now, I know financially this has hit most of us hard. I’m a part-time educational aide in the school system here in Lakewood, OH and also work part-time for the Metroparks in catering. BOTH of my jobs ended a week ago today, and they are not the type of jobs that offer benefits or paid leave. Yea, that’s a scary thing for me, real scary. However, I also know that my income does NOT come from my jobs! Are you listening to me here?
For those of you who took my classes and workshops, you will remember the story I told you about the two guys who got laid off from Ford Motor Company, Guy A: was devasted, and went into a place of fear and desperation. Guy B: knew that his job was just a CHANNEL that God, the Universe supplied it through. Guy A ended up desolate and broke, Guy B ended up making carvings out of wood and became prosperous once again.
The only difference between the two guys was their mindset. One KNEW God was the source of his supply, the other one erroneously thought his income came from Ford Motor Company. We MUST remember that God is the source of our supply, and if one channel dries up, he/she will channel it through another source. This is IMPERATIVE that we understand that.
What we can do now is:
- remember all the things we are grateful for
- my rent is paid this month
- my cat Ziggy Starrdust
- I have food in my frig, not much but I could stand to drop a few pounds
- I get to write this blog
- my stereo is stocked with 200 CDs (yes, I still listen to CDs)
- I can fish more now
- stay in the PRESENT, that is the ONLY place there is
- remind ourselves we’ve been through worse things, and we MADE it through
- help others in need, that always helps us feel better & strengthens the immune system
- we can go outside, the weather is starting to get nicer here in Cleveland, OH
- stay upbeat
color that Mandala coloring book you have
- try out your culinary skills
- I’ve been creating some masterpieces cleaning out my frig
- read those other 500 books you’ve started but never finished
- learn to Hula Hoop (Eva Starr’s Hooping 101 Video)
- really get into your Meditation routine (and if you don’t have one, now is a good time to START)
I could go on and on, however, I’m trusting you get the picture of everything I’m hoping to convey here. Stay in the present, be hopeful, spread kindness, and have some fun!
Blessing, Love & Healing to All,
Eva Starr