Soul Food-This IS a Hard Pill to Swallow; However, Swallow it we Must!

December 28, 2015by Eva Starr0

pastI am going to take this straight from the book I’ve been reading Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting (first published in 1999, by Lynn Grabhorn). This book reminds me of the Abraham material, which may be exactly where she got it from, however, we can all use a refresher course from time-to-time. I know I can, I don’t know about you? Here goes, (in the above paragraph Grabhorn was talking about the things that happen in your life, (i.e. a dent in a car, as opposed to a full blown car accident), and how closed or open our valve is; valve being our alignment with Source energy.

“I could go on, but it’s sort of valve-closing to dwell on all this stuff. My point is that nothing, but nothing, but NOTHING comes to us by accident. Not our lotto winnings, not our new loves, not our illnesses, not a freak of nature, not an accident. They’ve all been drawn to us electromagnetically by our feelings and our vibrations. Nothing in our world ever has, or ever will, come to us except by our own vibrational invitation!”

OUCH!!! Yea, swallow that pill. Of course, we all know this, however when the S_ _ _ hits the fan and we have to LOOK at it, and “OUR” part in it, it’s a horse of a different color, isn’t it? I had the unfortunate experience yesterday to delve into the bottomless pit of despair over an incident with my grand daughter. As I wipe my tear-stained swollen eyes this morning, and pull myself up by my boot straps, assess my role in the situation, surrender and move on as I write this. There are no easy answers. sometimes there are NO answers, (at least none that we can see at the time), however we are a piece of the puzzle we created.

Ponder the above paragraphs as you move into the New Year, and attempt to wipe the slate clean. On a lighter note, upon popular demand, the Past-Life Karma & Numerology reports were a huge hit. Therefore, I am offering the same special again, until MIDNIGHT of New Year’s Eve.

Just click on this link and it will take you to THAT blog, then click on the “buy now” button.

Thank you for your support & blessings,

PS Throw me in your prayers…

Santa Ziggy

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