Soul Food-These TWO Words Are Killing Relationships

December 8, 2017by Eva Starr0

I could say I don’t have time to write this right now cuz “I’M BUSY” but I won’t because this is important to me. You see it’s not that people are too busy, it’ just they have their priorities messed up, or they are handling their life in not the most efficient way possible, or they just plain don’t like you enough to spend time with you when there are “other” things or “people” they’d rather spend time with.

Think about it, we have more electronics in our lives now to eliminate all the time it took to do things the old way:

  • BEFORE: When you needed to know something you went to the library, looked stuff up in encyclopedias, and wrote it down on paper
    • TODAY: You ask a robot in your phone by pushing a button & you have the answer
  • BEFORE: When you needed directions to get somewhere, you dug out the atlas, or the red-orange street directories, or a good-old-fashioned map and charted your course with yellow highlighters
    • TODAY: You simply key it into your GPS or your phone & it’s done
  • BEFORE: You spent hours with hard-cover cook books looking up recipes and writing them down on 3×5 recipe cards, then slaved hours over a hot oven
    • TODAY: You zap your food in a microwave-oven, or drive through a fast-food place and have it in minutes
  • BEFORE: You actually sent snail mail Christmas cards, called people up on their phones, or actually drove to their homes to sit down and visit
    • TODAY: You send a multi-text to everyone on your contact list on your phone to wish them Happy Holidays

I could go on…but I’ll spare you. With all this super-fast technology today, why is everyone so busy???

That’s a question for you to answer…

I love you,

Eva Starr & Ziggy Starrdust


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