I just finished doing my TV show Reach for the Moon, Zodiac Flavor of the Month, Taurus, (click link) Spring is also a time to start new things, plant those seeds, (including tending to the Garden of your Mind). throughout my sixty-three years on Planet Earth, (soon to be 64)…I’ve learned a few things. Thank God, let’s hope so, or “what’s it all about Elfie?”
I’ve learned that the more you give out the more you get back, this includes the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly as well. If you want more love, give love to everyone you meet. If you want more friends in your life, be a friend to more people you come in contact with. If you want more M-O-N-E-Y, give your money away. Yep, take a deep breath, as an old Mentor, Prosperity Guru of mine used to say. Edweine Gaines, click her name), the aforementioned Prosperity Guru, gives talks/workshops all over the world on Prosperity, and if you haven’t heard her speak, you’re missing out.
I’m a big believing in tithing, giving back to “where I am spiritually fed” which encompasses a whole helluva lot of things, places, and people in my life. I’ve tested this principle out several times in my life and it never ceases to fail me. If you notice, pretty much any web site you go to nowadays, if you’re a small one-man-outfit like myself, people have a donate button on their website, because usually they spend hours fulfilling their passion, writing their stuff on the web, but necessarily fulfilling their pocketbook, which is why they depend on donations to keep afloat and continuing to inspire, empower, educate, and entertain the rest of us.
The Law of Circulation is PERFECT! You will always get back what you give out, tenfold, not necessarily from who you give it to, it may come from another source, but it will come. For example, when Edwene gets questioned about “tithing” her response is always the same, in her thick southern drawl accent. She says “Oh, honey, let me tell you, you’re paying out somewhere if you’re not tithing. You’re tithing to the unexpected furnace that broke down, the speeding ticket you just got, or some out-of-the blue repair that you weren’t expecting. This I KNOW, (trust me) to be very true.
The Universe is in perfect order, and that order include, a continual flow. The tides come in, the tides go out. Think of an aquarium tank, the water must continually be cleaned, and allow to be flowing, not becoming stagnant. The same with our lives, stagnation, and hoarding, creates negative vibrations with negative consequences. Have you ever noticed the people who have the most, give away the most? True fact, Warren Buffet has given away 21.5 BILLION dollars! That’s GIVEN AWAY folks, along with Buffet, Ted Turner and J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter fame) top the list.
Always give away whatever it is that you want. If you want love, give love. If you want money, give money. If you want knowledge, give knowledge. You will always have already been provided by the universe with a certain amount of what you want. You just want more of it. If you give out of the little that you have, much more will come back to you. If you want to have wealth, first show others how to have wealth. Whatever you want, if you cause another being to have it first, you will have it in abundance.
You are in vibrational resonance with abundance through your physical acts of giving and receiving. Giving and receiving are the two polarities of the same frequency spectrum of abundance. That is why people who have the most are the ones that give and receive the most. God gives us his all to receive back our all. ~ Mind Reality
Flavors of the Month for Solar Return Specials are Aries, Taurus & now Gemini’s (click here) Solar Return Specials
As Always, Thank You for your Continued Love & Support,