Today February 22nd is the Full Moon Virgo/Pisces combo. Think back to Septembe5 2015, what was going on back then; has come full circle and it’s time for you to take a look at it. This Full Moon is climatic, the rules of the game are about to change! In fact, throw those rules right out the door, with Uranus squaring Pluto and the Sun in Pisces right in the middle of the whole she-bang, expect the UNEXPECTED!
Be ready for anything and everything. It’s time to take a loooooong look at your life and throw out what’s no longer working. Chances are there’s stuff in your life that hasn’t been working for quite awhile. This is where you get to put your big girl/big boy pants on and choose to risk everything for what you truly want. Unless of course you like being a slave to somebody else’s ball and chain.
The questions we must ask ourselves are these:
- Am I living in true authenticity with my core values and beliefs
- Am I playing small and staying in my comfort zone because I can, (and I’m scared as hell about the “C” word; CHANGE
- Am I living life at half-capacity with my tank half-full and moving at half-speed
If you answered YES to #1 and a BIG NO to #2 & #3 then skip to the last paragraph about the Solar Return Special (because you’re doing better than a billion other people on the planet).
If on the other hand, you’re like most people and there’s dreams you’ve yet to chase, and mountains you’ve yet to climb, then follow me. Sit down right now with pen & paper in hand, make two columns. On the top of the page in paragraph form right out your dreams, wishes & desires. Now, in the first column take each one of those dreams and write out “what needs to change in order for those dreams to turn into reality?” Then in the second column write out “what you intend to do about it!” Now, pick ONE of those dreams and work on it for the next six months or better. Then check back in with me.
Moving on, this is also a time to purge, baby purge! Get rid of stuff, then get rid of more stuff, and then do it all over again and get rid of some more stuff! Let’s not forget purging our consciousness and getting rid of the cobwebs that have taken up residence up there without paying rent. This is your last ditch effort before the Sun moves into Aries(March 20) and we will begin anew!!! Are you LISTENING???
Now, for an infomercial, if you haven’t purchased my book Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself then just click here (my book) and order one, or two or three (they make great gifts)! Make sure you change the shipping to $3.99 (I think the default is higher).
Today only you can order as many Solar Returns as you’d like for $22 (in honor of the Full Moon)…the Zodiac Flavor of the Solar Return months are Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. Orders must be placed by MIDNIGHT tonite (Feb 22nd)!
Thank You for Your Continued Support which allows me to work with Spirit to enrich your lives,
Eva Starr,