Insight comes to me from a variety of sources, and inspirations. Sometimes it’s just doing some mundane or effortless task such as taking a shower or doing the dishes. Water does seem to be involved when I have my moments of creativeness. Today I thought I’ll write a blog about disempowering words.
BUSY – This seems to be a buzzword these days, I use it way too often. If you keep telling yourself and others you’re “too busy” you’ll end up making yourself right. Try instead, “I seem to have more than enough time in my life to accomplish my goals.”
- NEVER – Believer or not, I can attest to this one. When I’ve said “I’ll NEVER…” always seems to come to fruition. Another take on that word, you’re making yourself a failure i.e. “I’m never going to lose the weight” or whatever your plight is at the time. Tell yourself (or a friend) “you’ve got this” or “you go girl.”
SHOULD – I wrote a book on this one. (Click for Book) Using the word should is a DEAD-END street, going nowhere! Not to mention you’ve given yourself an out for accountability. Instead I “could” lose weight if I take a walk in the park, or I can take a trip to Alaska if I walk into a travel agency. Get the picture? Then it opens up a door and makes everything possible.
- WANT or NEED – Using these two words will put them in the future, with no destination in mind. In other words, you’re going to be “wanting“ or “needing“ until the end of time. I like to “thank ahead of time” for whatever the particular thing is as if I’ve already received it.
- TOMORROW or SOMEDAY – Again accountability issues come up with these two words. Commit to a date, yeah you heard me put a date on it!!!
- CAN’T or WON’T – The Universe (mind) doesn’t hear the negative, only what comes after. For example “Don’t think of a pink elephant” exactly, the pink elephant is the FIRST thing you think of. Make a statement about what the “positive outcome” is.
- JUST or ONLY – I only ran one mile today, or I’m just a stay-at-home mom, those phrases minimize what you do. Own what you do with confidence.
- BUT – When you start a sentence with “but” especially, after the person you’re talking with just finished speaking, this negates everything that was said before it. Instead, try (if you have a thought to add) saying “and if we …”
I HAVE TO – I have to go to work now makes it sound like a chore, or I have to leave now, (my wife will get mad). Everything we do in life is a CHOICE, and I’m willing to debate this with you (that’ll be a topic for another blog). I choose to go to work now, is more freeing, and doesn’t sound like a fate worse than death.
- HATE – There is no debating this, hate is a strong word, period! Use I “strongly dislike” getting up at the crack of dawn instead.
Watch any sentence you start with the phrase “I AM” what you say after it. “I AM” are the two most powerful words in the bible, and anything at all you affix after them is a commanding statement of manifestation. Beware of phrases such as “I am sick and tired” or “I am broke.” Say something akin to “I’m feeling energized” or “staying at the Ritz Hotel is not in the stars at the moment.”
Blessings to You & Thank You for your support which allows me to continue to work with Spirit to serve.
Eva Starr &
Ziggy Starrdust