Soul Food-STOP the F.E.A.R./6 Tips to Help You Get Back Your Power

March 31, 2020by Eva Starr0

First, I want to say I understand this Coronavirus is a serious thing, and want to be clear I don’t take this lightly. However, with that being said, let’s review some Basic teachings from Louise Hay 101, or Wayne Dyer or Deepak Chopra, or Gregg Bradden, or Eva Starr (Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself)…the list goes on and on…

There is a difference between doing what it takes to keep yourself healthy and safe, and being at the mercy of the FEAR POLICE. For those of you who have studied with me you know that “what you think about you bring about.” You also know that we’ve played the “What’s the Worst that Could Happen?” game in your lives when you’ve been going through rough times. We also know that 99.9% of the time all those crazy things that the Bogeyman put into your head never manifest.

So WHY in God’s name did you forget all that now? Let’s break it down. I’ll use myself as an example, I just spent eight days in the hospital, got out two days ago with Pancreatitis. Being in the hospital with anything at a time like this is scary, let alone Pancreatitis. For those of you who don’t know what Pancreatitis is, be glad! For those of you who have experienced it, thank you, because I know you are empathizing with me right now!

I am home now, and grateful along with very blessed. I could’ve jumped on the “Negativity Bus” (although I hear there are NO seats available) or I could count how many wonderful things in this world I have to be grateful for right now. I chose the latter. While I was in the hospital, I did just that, made lists over and over again of all the magnificent things I have to be grateful for.

I lost two part-time jobs during this pandemic, and I am still not sure what’s happening with that (they’re not your typical unemployment jobs). However, I can waste my time worrying about that, (which will only bring more things to me to worry about) or I can take the steps needed and let the Universe handle the rest. I’ve been through waaaaay worse in my lifetime and I survived.  There are so many other things I can do with all this time on my hands:

  • color mandalas
  • work on my website
  • study more of things I’m passionate about
  • create new recipes in my kitchen
  • organize my files in my office
  • go fishing
  • read all those Godzillion books I have

You get the picture, let’s move on. I gave up television, and reading the newspaper 30 years ago, (my choice). Trust me when I say, I didn’t miss a thing, if there was something, I needed to know the Universe made damn sure I found out! In the last month or so, I’ve got an app on my phone that keeps me updated on breaking news. I installed it when the Browns were hiring a new coach, I wanted to be kept abreast of what was going on, (I’m a huge Browns fan).

Well since then I’m inundated with news about the Coronavirus. STOP! I am done, I cannot and will not listen to one more iota of information on the virus. I wash my hands, keep safe distance, end of story! If I saturate my brain with all of this, I’m going to turn into a statistic! I uninstalled the app today, and I’m done listening to anymore. I’m going back to saturating my consciousness with positive thoughts, healing music, meditation, reading empowering books and taking time out to smell the roses!

It’s a proven fact that the brain isn’t capable of thinking a positive and a negative though at the same time. So, since we KNOW that “what you think about, you BRING about” why would I want to do anything but think a positive thought?

As for F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real), you attract what you fear! Again, a no-brainer. If you haven’t read Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life or my book Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of either or. Give yourself a break during these unprecedented times and give yourself a chance to UNPLUG and heal your Soul.

Here’s a quick video I made last night to sum it all up for you…

Blessings & Gratitude to All,

Eva Starr

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