Soul Food-Starr’s Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday/Winter Solstice Special

December 21, 2017by Eva Starr0
‘Shhhhh…He’s preparing for the holiday season.’

Starr’s Stress-Free Holiday Guide:

I’m going to make this short & simple, why add more stress to “my” life?

  1. Get up each morning and meditate, even if for only FIVE minutes; it will make a world of a difference
  2. When faced with decisions, think which one will have a long lasting effect versus instant gratification
  3. Remember your manners, your cell phone can wait, be 100% PRESENT with the people you’re with
  4. Treat your elders with RESPECT, chances are they will be gone from this planet waaaaay before you
  5. Find something to be grateful about each day, try & make it TEN things, keep adding to the list
  6. Make someone’s day with a gift that truly comes from your HEART
  7. Finally, for goodness sake, give up the phrase “luv u” and say the person’s name and say “I LOVE YOU _____”

That’s it, call me old school…however I still believe in treating people how I’d want to be treated. Happy Holidays!

Winter Solstice Special: Your Personal Numerology for 2018 $15 

Get your 2018 Numerology report for the year, filled with affirmations, the foods you should eat, the stones & colors for the year, highlights of what to look for, and how to use the Numerological energy to best utilize your personal year. Send your birth date, (I don’t need the time or city) to me, text or email [email protected]



Happy Holidays,

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