Soul Food/Starr Scopes November/Xmas Contest/New Column/

November 7, 2019by Eva Starr0
  • Hello, I have a lot to say & a short time to say it…
  • I went off Social Media right after Halloween for the next 21 days during Mercury Retrograde…to give my soul some much needed time for reflection. I gave up TV in 1989 when Shayna, my youngest daughter was born. However, when I moved back to Ohio, after the passing of my mother, she put Netflix on my PC for me.

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it that, however, I read waaaaaaaaay more books when I was in Cali, (spiritual metaphysical books) & I’d like to get back to that. I’m starting a new column (within my blog) called Dear Starr: This is where I will answer questions you may have (anonymously) about life, Metaphysics, Astrology, spirituality, relationships, anything that is on your mind.

I wrote a column years ago, under a pseudo name, The Bottom Line, which was quite popular, and I immensely enjoyed doing that. Moving forward to NOW, be on the lookout for the new column (Dear Starr) and by all means, please feel free to contribute your questions.

PS: I will be changing to Mail Chimp (once I figure it out) and the blog will be coming from there…

Next up on the agenda: Xmas Coaching Contest

I will be offering one lucky winner FREE coaching for one month, (weekly) starting in January. I was quite active in my life coaching activities, before I moved to Cali, and helped a lot of people, with varying areas of their lives, such as:

  • getting off drugs
  • leaving bad (abusive) marriages/relationships
  • starting their own business
  • buying a first home
  • having the courage to quit a dead-end job (or one they hated)

You get the picture! The contest which starts Black Friday, November 29th, and run until Midnight, December 24th, Xmas Eve. These are the rules:

  • you must be a new client (never had coaching from me in the past)
  • be available once a week for four weeks for one hour (in person or phone)
  • absolutely must complete the “growth work” each week, NO EXCEPTIONS on this, or I will drop you like a “hot potato”
  • write an essay 3-5 paragraphs explaining why you feel you could benefit from a month of free coaching from me
    • what your current situation is you’d like help with
    • what you hope to accomplish
    • why I should choose you above all others
  • Email your essay to [email protected] anytime between Nov. 29th & Dec. 24th

The winner will be announced on New Year’s Day 2020. Good Luck!

I believe (not sure) I published the November Starr Scopes on FB around Halloween, but since I’m off SM till Nov. 21st I can’t be certain. Here’s the link to November Starr Scopes

Here’s a short video I’ve created, please watch:

Thank you all for reading, Blessing & Gratitude,

Eva Starr


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