I could write this blog in one sentence, YOU HAVE A CHOICE! However, some people need it spelled out for them in complicated measures…
Let’s first deal with how to remain positive amidst all the craziness in the world. I will make this brief, because I want to talk about the upcoming new moon as well, (too late I’ll have to do the new moon blog first thing tomorrow morning, time got away from me)
First off, I’d like to remind you, that what matters to you is “the ultimate qualifier.” It’s your home it’s your stomach, it’s your bank account, it’s your mental, emotional, physical & spiritual health. So keep that in mind when dealing with all the people out there who may not agree with how you run your life. Everybody’s sky is a different color, and we don’t necessarily need to like their color sky, but we need to coexist in the Universe because let’s face it the sky is not going anywhere, and it affects each & every one of us.
With that being said here’s a few short tips on keeping sane amongst the insanity in the world:
- there’s always someone who’s worse off then you, lend a helping hand, a listening ear, a smile, a compliment, volunteer, or just be kind
- keep positive people in your life, I have a friend who is like-minded & whenever I’m down, we sit & chit-chat on each other’s porches & it’s very therapeutic for me just to hear my thoughts out loud, especially with a kind hearted friend (and if you don’t have people like that in your life, then I suggest you start cutting bait & look for some)
- less is more, you may not have the job you want, or the drop-dead gorgeous soul mate, however I’m sure if you take a look around at the blessings that you DO have, they far outweigh the things you’re bitching about
everything is relative, take a step back & put things in perspective, is what you’re stressing out about worth you giving your power away? To add insult to injury, think about the person you’re pissed off at & how much energy you’re giving them, (and you don’t even like them, but you are giving them all your power, now isn’t that enough to piss you off & make you want to just forget the whole damn thing?)
- have something to look forward to, this one works for me a lot, whether it’s something you’re expecting in the mail, or a friend coming to visit, or a small road trip you have planned, it motivates you to keep on going knowing there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
- take a break, I’m not as good at this as I can be, sometimes if I’m having a computer issue I’ll struggle with it for hours instead of just walking away & coming back to it later, then again there are times I recognize this, I had one of those domino effect types of days last week & I told myself I’m going to the lake and walk on the beach, I ended up going to my old neighborhood, stopped & chatted with a friend, walked the beach & ate at one of my old haunts, it changed my whole day
- life’s too short, this is truer for those of us over 60, but the principle still applies, the day I turned 60 (I’m 65 now) it was almost instant I suddenly didn’t give a *$%$ about all the little things that used to bother me, (now I’m not saying I don’t regress back into that mode) I think about if I got hit by a bus tomorrow (cancel, cancel) is what I’m fretting about really worth it, & I ask myself if I had 24 hours to live what would I want to do with my time?
I love you all, thanks for your continued support & blessings,
Eva Starr