Soul Food-New Moon Today/Abundance Check

August 2, 2016by Eva Starr0

new-moon-in-leoToday we have a new moon in Leo, the sign of the Lion, ruling the heart, carrying traits of courage, generosity, and of course, here I am I SHINE, just like the Sun, which is the center of the Universe.

The new moon occurs at 1:45pm/PDT and 4:45pm/EDT at 11 degrees Leo. Start with your sign as #1 (first house of the zodiac) and count counter-cockwise to find out which house of your chart this new moon will affect. Go in zodiac order of the zodiac.

For example I am a Cancer, so if I put Cancer in the first house, Leo follows in the second house (because Leo is the next sign of the zodiac). For you Cancer’s out there this New Moon is hitting your second house of finances, so be sure to do your new moon abundance check and do that new moon wish list, as you are coming u with CREATIVE ideas to improve your business and bring more finances into the world. Are you listening Jim D.?

Here’s what we’re dealing with today:

  • step out of your comfort zone and shine
  • start making your “new” plans for the next two weeks, implement them one step at a time with Saturn trining this new moon
  • go to your courageous side, and let the Lion in you Roar
  • remember to tithe and spread the generosity that Leos are known for
  • Leo also rules children, let your “inner child” come out and PLAY
  • play with your own children and grand-children these next two weeks
  • also Leo rules romance, the playful flirty kind, so be light-hearted and go get you some

Here’s a link for how to write your new-moon-abundance check

Do your new moon wish list: present tense (items that are Leo themed) read the blog, and you’ll knowlittle girl angel

Remember angel-card reading sale expires on August 14th, see last week’s blog (scroll down through the archive’s)

I Love You, thank you for all your blessings and support, and wave your “Magic Wand”


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