Soul Food-New Moon Solar Eclipse/Solar Return Specials

June 18, 2020by Eva Starr0

This weekend on June 20th/21st/ depending on time zone at 0* Cancer, 11:41pm/PDT & 2:41am/EDT we are experiencing a solar eclipse new moon. This is an extra special one being at the o degrees, an important degree for new starts! Although, we know all new moons represent fresh beginnings, growth, and renewal.

Being this new moon is in the sun sign of Cancer (yours truly’s sun sign) it is about our roots,  family, ancestors, history and our past. Being that Mercury just went Retrograde, (see prior blog) after Midnight last night, the emphasis on reflection on the past is even stronger.

To me, this is an exciting new moon, due to the solar eclipse, and the fact we can all use some new hope, change, new ways of looking toward the future. All the cards are on the table, start dealing those Aces you’ve been holding in the hole. Go for it baby, get that poster board out, cut up those old magazines, make that vision board. Write your goals out on paper, don’t just leave them in your head, the Universe loves symbolism, take advantage of this energy!

This new moon is forming a quincunx with Saturn, which means a push-pull dance between freedom and restrictions. Our job is to find the balance or compromise bewteen the two. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, remain flexible & adaptable (there’s those words gain) and we should be able to ride the wave without too much stress.

Remember to do your New Moon Abundance Check

Candle colors: Silver and/or Metallic Blue

Crystals: Moonstone, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz & Selenite to name a few

The Zodiac Flavors of the Month for Solar Return Specials

are Gemini, Cancer & Leo, 50% off

For more on Why a Solar Return is Important, click here

Blessings & Gratitude,


Eva Starr


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