Soul Food – New Moon Solar Eclipse & How to Utilize

June 9, 2021by Eva Starr2
solar eclipse
new moon gemini

Soul Food – New Moon Solar Eclipse & How to Utilize

For those blog readers new or old: Anything that I have underlined, bold type, & hot pink is usually always a link that is meant for you to click on, just an FYI

solar eclipseThursday, June 10th we have an annular solar eclipse new moon in Gemini at 19* 47′ at 3:53am/PDT & 6:53am/EDT. This new moon is conjunct Mercury Retrograde and square Neptune. All is NOT as it appears, and those rose-colored glasses you’ve been wearing definitely need a good cleaning. Neptune has us walking around in a fog, dazed and confused enough as it is, not to mention the Mercury Retrograde causing your communications to short-circuit.

On the flip side of the coin, the new moon itself is lending to a surge of energy, and the opportunity for a clean slate, a fresh start so to speak. All the cards are on the table, and so with the information you have available, go ahead and make your plans to jumpstart whatever is clearly calling to you. Just be forewarned to double-check and make sure that the ace-in-the-hole you think you have is not a Joker in disguise.

It’s a good time to let go of what wasn’t working for you in the past. If you’re still putting the same ingredients in that souffle of life you’ve been baking and it’s still falling flat as a pancake, then it’s time to switch up the ingredients, or embark on a new recipe for life.

new moon geminiWith the eclipse in Gemini, conjunct Mercury the focus is on communication, short distance travel, siblings, and things happening in your community/neighborhood. As I mentioned earlier, with that square to Neptune, beware of the trickster, disappearing behind the fog of illusion or the smokescreen.

It’s best, to be honest, and above board with everything during this time, (although I feel, as spiritual human beings, that goes without saying, should be standard operating procedure). For more info on the Do’s & Don’ts during this Mercury Retrograde period, check out my Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide.

Remember to do your New Moon Abundance Check

How this New Moon affects your Zodiac sign

Crystal for this New Moon Solar Eclipse: Citrine

Candle Color: Yellow

As always, thank you for your support so I may continue to work with Spirt to serve

Blessings & Gratitude,

Eva Starr

Eva Starr






  • Heidy VW

    June 10, 2021 at 1:46 pm

    Amazing insight, as always! Thank you, Eva! ✨


    • Eva Starr

      June 10, 2021 at 5:22 pm

      You’re so sweet & you’re more than welcome!


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