Soul Food-New Moon/September Starr Scopes

September 3, 2024by Eva Starr0
too good to be true

Soul Food-New Moon/September Starr Scopes

The New Moon in Virgo on September 2, 2024, is opposite Saturn. So, the spiritual meaning of the September 2024 New Moon is overcoming fear and worry.

We just had a New Moon on Labor Day in the sign of Virgo at 9:56pm/EDT & 6:56pm/PDT at 11 degrees Virgo. The good news is you are still in the three-day grace period, a time when the energy of the New Moon is most potent, to write your New Moon Abundance Check and light your New Moon candle for manifestation.

This New Moon is aligned with Mars (warrior planet) square Neptune (Planet of illusions, confusion, &deception). Take off the Rose colored glasses (Neptune), especially when going into combat with Mars.

With all the negativity and melancholy in the world today, it’s imperative that we go back to basic spirituality 101 and fill our mindset with the idea that there is a future. It starts with the mind.

The New Moon represents the Sun conjoining with the Moon at the exact degrees. This month, the New Moon is in the sign of Virgo, starting a new 28-day cycle until we return to the New Moon in October next month.

The October New Moon is ruled by the planet Venus, which oversees Love & Money. The money end comes from Taurus, who has a penchant for security and assets. The Love end of it comes from Libra. Venus co-rules Libra and Taurus, as Mercury co-rules Virgo and Gemini.

As I mentioned earlier in the blog, this New Moon is an excellent time to make a fresh start and begin a new project. This is even more advantageous because we are out of the Mercury Retrograde period, which is known for communication and technology issues. Thank the Heavens for that!

Now is an excellent time to take stock of your life and question old habits. Consider what you want to keep and what you want to let go of. Start new behavior patterns and ways of thinking to progress during the next 28 1/2-day cycle.

With Mars squaring Neptune, a challenging aspect that can bring about deception and inflammatory exaggerations, I would be aware of the potential for lies and over-exaggeration. Mars has been known to cause inflammation in the body, and with it making the square to Neptune, I would also be acutely aware of the tendency to exaggerate the reality of a situation.

Watch out for passive-aggressive behavior. Do not let yourself become embroiled in slander, deceit, or gossip. As far as I’m concerned, we should never get involved with slander, deceit, or gossip.

Heed this old wife’s tale; if it seems too good to be true, it probably is! Take this Neptunian energy and use it to utilize your creative arts. Try journaling, get a set of colored pencils or markers, and color mandalas. Here’s a link to Louise Hay Mandela’s books. She’s got some nice ones out there.

Stay away from people who always seem to bring you down; you could also try what I did 35 years ago. Thirty-five years ago, on June 29, 1989, my youngest daughter Shayna was born. That day, I decided to give up television and reading the newspaper. What a breath of fresh air my life has been once I had given up listening to the news. If you don’t want to be depressed daily, turn off the news.

People would ask me nicely, “How do you know what’s happening?” I have too many stories to share here on this short blog to answer that question. Trust me on this one! I’ve never missed anything in this world that I was meant to know about.

If you’re studying the Course in Miracles, then you know that their go-to statement is “everything is an illusion anyway.” This is the last New Moon of the current eclipse phase, which concludes with the lunar eclipse on September 17.

Look to the previous eclipses, the March 25th Lunar Eclipse, and the April 8th Solar Eclipse, to see what was going on in your life back then. This will be coming around for you to take one last look at it.

Here’s your September Starr Scopes

How this New Moon affects your Zodiac sign

Candle Colors: Green, White

Crystals: Green Aventurine, Moss Agate

Oils: Bergamot, Juniper, Frankincense


Rosie & I (at the Air Show on the Goodtime III)

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