Soul Food-New Moon in Scorpio/Jupiter enters Sagittarius…What it means for YOU

November 8, 2018by Eva Starr0

WOW, there’s a lot going on…and I’VE got a lot going on! I’m going to make this sweet & simple & skip all the degrees and exact times of all these Astrological happenings:

We just ended 13 months of Jupiter in Scorpio:

  • the #METOO movement
  • sexual harassments etc.
  • abuse of power & control

We are now entering Jupiter in Sagittarius:

  • the “BIGGER” picture, expansion
  • philosophical & metaphysical beliefs, spirituality
  • foreign affairs, matters overseas, understanding other cultures

The New Moon yesterday in the tail-end of Scorpio:

  • death & rebirth
  • throwing out what no longer works & getting ready to embrace the new
  • unplug, dig deep into that soul of yours

With Jupiter entering Sag, and Saturn still in Capricorn (both natural placements) the duo brings to the table “doing the moral right thing” to succeed in business and be successful. Jupiter is about taking risks, being spontaneous, seeking freedom from your old routine and moving your damn self out of that rut you carved for yourself. Saturn is about discipline, structure, lessons learned, and the perseverance needed to travel the journey. Click here for Jupiter thru the Signs

Jupiter will be squaring Mars come November 15th, with Mercury going Retrograde in Sagittarius, and Venus in Libra going direct (coming out of its retrograde). This energy will stifle Jupiter a bit, akin to trying to start a campfire with wet logs. However, keep mapping out your goals, plan your path, because come January with Mars moving into Aries and Venus moving into Sagittarius, all systems go bringing you into a blessed New Year.

A time out for an informercial for myself:

  • I will be signing books at READ, WRITE, LOCAL on Saturday, November 10th (10am-2pm) at the Avon Lake Library, 32649 Electric Blvd. Please come & show your support
  • Here is the link to the latest Reach for the Moon TV show featuring Gina Tatsumi, Scorpio (Flavor of the Month), Your Break-Up Style & Bad Mood Busters
  • Solar Return Specials for Libras, Scorpios & Sagittarians
    email me for info re: birth data

As Always, thank you for your continued love & support, feel free to drop a coin on the Angel Wings which enables me to work with Spirit to keep this blog and the work going…

Eva Starr

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