Wednesday, June 13th we have yet another opportunity to start anew! At 3″43pm, 22* Gemini, will be the New Moon. This will affect everyone but particularly Gemini’s, Sagittarius, Virgo’s and Pisces. Right now is the time to finish up old business and let go of what no longer serves who we are and who we are becoming. It’s time to take an analytical, intellectual look at what no longer works for us. Take a look at our relationships, from all facets of our lives and examine how do we communicate. Is that working for you?
After we’ve decided what we don’t want, now it’s time to decide wat we DO want. We want to set intentions, plant new seeds, focus on starting fresh, it’s our chance, once again to get a second chance. Don’t you just love how each month, with each new moon we get to start over, create new goals, work on what’s apparently broken or wounded.
Being a Cancer, I marvel at the mysterious silvery luminous ball in the sky every night. I love the moon and everything about it. Since there are twelve months and twelve Zodiac signs, we get a new chance in a different area of our lives to be better, dream up new ideas, create new masterpieces, and travel new journeys.
There’s a lot going on with this new moon, it is squaring Neptune, (planet of delusion and confusion), inconjunct Pluto, (harbinger of everything deep, secretive and hidden) and Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet just entered Cancer, (emotions, family). As you can see it’s quite a mixed bag of nuts.
With all that being said, here are some of the areas to set your intentions, goals, and new beginnings on:
- communication of all sorts, ways in which you relate or don’t relate
- studying, especially the mysteries of the Universe and mankind
- healing old wounds, especially with families
- being crystal clear in your communications
Here’s a link for what this new moon in Gemini means for your Sun sign or Rising sign:
Also, remember to do your new moon abundance check.
Finally, a link to my TV show, with International Astrologer Ena Stanley, a Gemini.
While we’re busy manifesting these next few weeks a word about the Law of Circulation. I get more questions on this one subject than most anything else in my metaphysical teachings. I could do an entire show on this alone, however, I am going to be brief here. Summing it up:
- what you give out comes back, not necessarily from to whom you give but it undeniably comes back
- if you want love give love, if you want friendship, be a good friend, if you want more prosperity, tithe to where you are spiritually fed
- if someone gives you a gift, or a compliment, please, please accept, when you don’t you are DENYING the giver the opportunity to give, and that is a slap in the face
- be grateful for whatever you have, no matter how little, because somewhere in the world what you have is royalty to others
- always be kind, say please and thank you, and plant seeds of love wherever you go
I love you, and as always, thank you for your support,
Eva Starr