Soul Food – New Moon in Cancer/How To Become Free
Today, Friday, July 9th, at 6:17pm/PDT & 9:17pm/EDT is the New Moon at 18* Cancer. This new moon is making a beautiful (sextile) aspect to Uranus, however, at the same time, Uranus is squaring Venus, Mars & Saturn. Venus is conjunct Mars which is also opposing Saturn. This places the strain on love & money, bringing to the surface unexpected limitations, & putting a temporary halt to jump-starting any bold new courageous plans.
Fear not, Uranus’ sextile to the Sun/Moon will give you the freedom to make the necessary changes, once you’ve worked through what may have been holding you back & coming up with innovative, out-of-the-box solutions to free you from the chains that bind you from your self-limiting past patterns & behaviors.
The key here is self-awareness, now you’ve got yourself in the driver’s seat, with your foot on the gas pedal. With a little help from your friends, the Sun/Moon & Uranus you can initiate the necessary changes, bring yourself out-of-the doldrums of that heavy, brooding Saturn/Venus aspect & let the Sun come out tomorrow little Annie. Hooray, there is a God!
With this New Moon energy, it’s time to LET GO of all the stuff, habits, & patterns that are stifling your freedom. Why worry about how your hair looks, or who sees you in your pajamas, (unless you’re completely wearing a topless, see-through Victoria’s Secret lingerie?) Unless you’re in a raining cats & dogs deluge of a flood, where you need to call in Noah’s Ark & Company. Why worry about if you’ve brought an umbrella or a raincoat for a few sprinkles, if you’re out enjoying nature on a hike? Isn’t that what nature’s all about, living life with the elements, living in the moment? At least I thought that was Ekhart Tolle’s message, but what do I know at the age of 66?
To sum it up, this new moon is a good time to:
- make a fresh start with ways you haven’t tried before
- use the primal energies of Venus/Mars to jump-start your creativity, or dance under the moonlight
- pay off debts, have a financial plan for your future
- (Venus/Uranus square) don’t run off with the hot Uber driver, count-to-ten (or maybe 100)
- get rid of your self-limiting habits
- take a walk on the wild side, Lou Reed doesn’t have a monopoly on it
- tune into your intuitive side & be open to change!
New Moon Ritual:
- New Moon Abundance Check
- Take a bath with Epsom salts & herbs of lavender, mint, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon slices, or cinnamon sticks
Light a candle, preferably silver, white, or sea green (write your new moon wish list & place it underneath)
- Have your crystals with you, Moonstone, rose quartz, citrine, & red jasper
- Say this prayer: (before bed)
- “As I sleep may I receive clarity on (state whatever you would like to receive clarity on). As I sleep, I would like to wake up feeling (list 3 emotions). As I sleep I ask my Divine Spirit Team to help cleanse, recharge and nourish my soul so I feel aligned on my highest path and know the best next step to take. As I sleep I ask that I am restored from head to toe. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”
- Have your journal by your bed, write in it as soon as you awake the next three days in a row
Metaphysical Musings return Noon next Wednesday (email me for Zoom link)
As always thank you for your support which helps me continue to work with Spirit,
Eva Starr