Soul Food-New Moon in Aries/Mercury Goes Direct/New Astrology Classes

April 14, 2018by Eva Starr0

Hooray to the Heavens! Mecury goes direct, 4* Aries, at 5:21am EDT on the 15th of April, Sunday morning. Double Hooray; the New Moon in Aries (new beginnings) happens at 9:57pm also on the 15th of April. Warning: this new moon in Aries at 26* is also conjunt Uranus. This particular planetary configuraton won’t happen again for another 80 years. I don’t know about you, but I highly doubt I’ll still be here!

What all this means:

  • New Moon Conjunt Uranus
    • Hold onto your hats, the tornado is about to hit
    • the only thing left standing is the truth
    • the skeletons are about to “POP OUT” of those closets
    • the light will now be shed on those dark hidden places
    • you can “run” but you can’t “hide”

What are you hiding? What is lurking behind the shadows of your subconscious? With Mercury going direct, hitting the new moon with Uranus in conjunction with the Sun, the wool is abot to be pulled off those eyes. Uranus is a “shocker” so be prepared! There isn’t a cave big enough for you to hide in.

This new moon in Aries reminds us to be authentic with ourselves, your freedom depends on it. The “truth” is always revealed, sooner or later. Your later is about to, not knock, but blow down your door. Think of Kansas, and visions of Dorothy… The energy of Uranus, being in Aries has been going on for the last seven years. Think back to 2011 – what was being shaken up in your world? What breakthtoughs did you have?

The good news, (it’s really all good news), is this is a time to:

  • set your intentions
  • plant new seeds
  • light your new moon candle, preferrably red, but white will always do
  • revisit your intentions each new moon for the next six months
  • sign up for my new Astrology classes: Click Here

Last chance for the”Flavor of the Month” Solar Returns:

Calling all Pisces,  Aries, and Taurus for the flavor of the month Solar Returns special. Solar Returns for the aforementioned signs are $75 (50% off).  As most of my students know the Solar Return can be activated as early as three months before the birthday month, and I already have some eager beavers placing their orders.  Just click on this Solar Return Special button, and you can get a jump on it also. 

What is a Solar Return?

  • in-depth 22-27-page report w/phone consultation of your upcoming year
  • highlights the major themes, and what houses your action is focused around
  • based on the exact position of natal sun returning to that same degree
  • can also be altered by being in a different state or city around the date of birth
  • an extremely accurate forecast of personal life events for the next fifteen months near the birth date
  • Place your order here 

One last thing; if you are a Taurus, who lives locally, and has an interesting hobby or job, please contact me.

As Always, thank you for your love & continued support,

Eva Starr


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