Soul Food-Mercury Goes Direct!/Louise Hay, Ester Hicks, & Starr (All in One)

January 8, 2017by Eva Starr0

Alleluia! Mercury Retrograde has finally gone direct. Thank God!!! Let me tell you, this was a rough one for me, especially concerning car issues. Be forewarned the next Mercury Retrograde is happening on Palm Sunday, April 9th. You’ve been notified! By all means, do any preventive work on your car BEFORE then. Obviously, as in my case, the unforeseen can’t be avoided, but I’m giving you a heads up.

Hang in There Cat

Moving forward into 2017, I am starting a group in my home (Lakewood) on January 17th, Tuesday evenings based on the works of Louise Hay, Ester Hicks (Abraham) and my book Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself. The classes are being offered on a love offering basis ($10-$20) and are an invaluable resource for those wanting to raise their vibration and have an in-depth understanding of metaphysical principles. Email or phone me 440-930-8865 for more details. Class is limited. See flyer Atkins_Jan 17

Classes start promptly at 7pm  Tuesday, January 17th in Lakewood. Registration closes Friday the 13th, contact me ASAP to reserve your spot!

Thank you for your love, support, and blessings,

Eva Starr




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