News of the day, Mercury goes direct at 4:22pmEST/1:22pmPST at 27* Scorpio. Hold your horses, you’re not out of the woods yet! I wouldn’t rush out and sign any contracts or purchase anything major, just yet. Mercury has a shadow period, wait till the dust settles. Give it a day or so, and if you’re really patient, wait till December the 11th, when the volcanic ash should be gone with the wind.
What this means for you:
- In the coming weeks ahead, its coast is clear to send and receive messages, and back to normalcy when it comes to communication in all forms, including trains, planes, and automobiles!
- Uranus is the only planet left in Retrograde motion at this time! That in itself is reason to celebrate. We’ve had quite a long roll of months with Retrograde planets here in 2018. Breathe, that too did pass…
- Work on what you want to manifest, especially with the upcoming New Moon just after Midnight at 2:20amEST, in Sagittarius.
New Moon just after Midnight for the east-coasters/Midwesterners and 11:20pmPST for the west coasters. Here’s the lowdown on this much awaited New Moon:
- 15* Sagittarius, with its ruler Jupiter (Santa Claus of the Zodiac) just entering Sagittarius on November 8th, last month.
- This is about expansion, spiritual shifts, the Cosmic Starrdust has arrived
- Ride the Centaur off into the sunset, Reach for the Moon and the inconceivable
- Be wary though it is squaring off with Mars, God of War, and Neptune King of Illusions. Don’t overdo a good thing and clean off those rose-colored glasses. While you’re at it, carry some Peace crystals with you, and leave the boxing gloves at home
Still got Christmas shopping to do…
When all else fails, support your local author & buy my book to put in someone’s stocking, from what my fans tell me; you’ll fall in love with Japa! Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself by Eva Starr
Your personal year Numerology report is a combined report from a plethora of resources compiled with all the information at your disposal to guide you through 2019. I personally print mine out in December and refer to it each month throughout the year. It’s a colossal help for me, reminding me where my energies are best used and where I’m beating my head against the wall. Similar to a GPS, you avoid the pitfalls, and take detours where necessary for smooth sailing.
As always, thanks for your love & support, Eva Starr & Santa Ziggy