Soul Food-March Starr Scopes/Planetary Retrogrades/Are You giving Your Power Away

March 5, 2025by Eva Starr0
giving your power aways
Soul Food-March Starr Scopes/Planetary Retrogrades/Are You Giving Your Power Away

I apologize for this being a few days late. It’s been a roller coaster ride, to put it mildly. So much is occurring in the Celestial Heavens in March that I don’t even know where to start. So, I’m going to start at the beginning:

venus-mercuryThese are just a few of the significant aspects occurring this month. For a complete list, visit my Starr Scopes page. Also, look to your Zodiac sign on the Starr Scopes page to get your Starr Scope for March and learn how YOUR Zodiac sign Spring Cleans.

  • March 1st,  Venus, the planet associated with love and money, goes Retrograde, a term used in astrology to describe the apparent backward motion of a planet, in the sign of Aries.
  • March 11th – Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, makes a conjunction, getting up close and personal, in the sign of Aries with Lady Venus.
  • On March 14th, we have a Lunar Eclipse, a celestial event in which the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon. It occurs in the sign of Virgo. Look to where Virgo is in your chart; it’ll be opposing Pisces. This is a time for introspection and reevaluation.
  • March 15th – Mercury goes Retrograde, in the sign of Aries, following the aforementioned Lunar Eclipse
  • March 27th – Venus will make a lovely conjunction (a favorable aspect) with the planet Neptune at the tail end of Pisces 29°
  • March 29th—Following that lovely romantic day, the Solar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Aries.
  • March 29th—Following the Solar Eclipse, Mercury will now conjunct Neptune, God of the Seas, also at the tail end of 29° Pisces. I will sum up the above listing of planetary aspects for you.

Venus’s Retrograde will start in the sign of Aries and then move back into Pisces before it finishes its rendezvous around April 12th, bringing us to the Full Moon on the same day.

You can expect exes to come back out of the ethers; whether this is good or bad, you’re the only one who can make that observation. Venus retrograde this time has some interesting aspects that may shake you out of that Neptunian Daydream you’ve been walking around in. Aries doesn’t mess around—trust me, I know. I have 29 degrees Aries ascendant; we mean business.

Be prepared for the status quo to make some radical changes in your life. It’s about time you took a long, hard look at what behaviors and patterns need a spring cleaning. Remember, change can be a positive force in your life.

This is a time to question how we relate to others and ask ourselves: Are we giving our power away?

Do you allow other people’s emotional reactions to dictate your choices?

And I’m not just talking about your choices in relationships. I made a personal change (in my life) last month and thought all hell would break loose. Everybody else, including their brother, sister, and third-removed cousin, had their own opinions about my choices in life.

It’s interesting to me not only all the opinions others have, but it’s usually on subjects they have no background or knowledge about, let alone to voice their opinion. It’s time to ask yourself if you are constantly trying to manage other people’s emotions rather than focusing on your own.

This Venus retrograde opens Pandora’s box and shows you a full-length mirror to examine your self-love or lack thereof. It’s time to take back your power. You can do it now; however, if you choose not to, don’t worry; you’ll get another chance. It won’t be as pretty.

We’ll discuss the Lunar Eclipse when it gets closer to that time, and I’ll write another blog about it. The same goes for the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. Those following my blog will receive your Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide.

But for now, I’ve got to spring-clean some skeletons that have been lying around my closet for far too long!


Rosie & I

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