With the upcoming new moon at 27* Libra this afternoon at 3:12pm EDT, the question to ask ourselves is: “Where Is My Life Out of Balance? Libra energy is all about the balance in our lives, and our relationships with others, and how we relate or are NOT relating. These are the questions to ponder during the next 48 hours:
- where do I need balance
- what can I do to bring more balance into that area
- are my relationships balanced with giving and taking
- if not, “how” can I change that
- is my life balanced with equal amounts of work and play
- is my spiritual life balance with the aforementioned
As we ponder these questions, use sage, crystals, and flowers:
- crystals: peridot, jade, adventurine, angelite, lapis lazuli, moonstone
- herbs: sage, rose petals
- candles: pastels
Take a bath, get centered, meditate on the above questions, keep a journal handy. Also, remember to do your New Moon Abundance check.
Contact me for crystal workshop, and astrology classes coming SOON! 440-930-8865 or email me!
Thank you for your love and support,